Englisch-Block Entry?


Wie findet ihr diesen Block Entry? Was kann ich verbessern?

Ich musst diese Bullet Points einbinden:

  • Die Wichtigkeit des Themas erklären.
  • Die negativen Dinge über Autofahren.
  • Die positiven Dinge über Fahrradfahren, Öffentliche Transportmittel, Zufußgehen.
Have you ever thought about, what you can do to effectively protect the environment? Everybody can reduce his/her carbon emissions every day.
As a student, I study about climate change every day at school. It is obvious that our planet is in danger. Many people think there is nothing they can do on their own to protect the environment. But that's not true! Everybody can do his/her part. For me everything starts early in the morning. Instead of driving to school in my car, I use public transport.
Do not get me wrong, but many people prefer going by car not without reason. Of course, it is more comfortable than, for example, riding a bike. However, many people forget about the environmental consequences. Also, a bike or bus ticket is much cheaper than a car. Moreover, driving a car is not healthy for the body.
Considering the fact that there alternatives, like cycling, public transport or walking, it doesn’t make sense to drive with a car anymore. On the one hand all of these alternatives are better for the environment, on the other hand there are much more positive aspects about those. When you use public transport, you can talk to other people. When cycling, you can see much more of the surroundings. Actually, my favorite way to travel is on foot because you can relax right away.
What is you opinion on that? How do you travel?
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