kann jemand meinen Englisch Text korrigieren(Thema ist Globalization)^^?

Schonmal danke im Voraus ;D


Globalization: a blessing or a curse?

Last Sunday I came back from my “holidays” from Bangladesh. So you probably wonder why I spent my entire week in a country, where the definition of poverty is really appropriate here.

“Is this guy serious?” “He makes a fun of such a significant topic isn’t it ridiculous?” “I have no clue why someone unimportant like him wants to be further an author in a youth magazine after this act.” 

I got a lot of messages from you guys and today I want to point out my statement or rather all misunderstandings. So this article will basically deal with my real purpose behind the trip to Bangladesh and why I as an author publish this in a youth magazine.

One word to start this whole article “GLOBALIZATION”!

Christopher Columbus an explorer, who discovered America in 1492 as he travelled through the ocean. Already in the 15th century the European states began to conquer some parts of Africa. The colonization was in full progress. The Industrialization began in England during the second half of the 18th century. There was now a better possibility to trade goods and raw materials or have an exchange of knowledge. All these pieces of our history made our world what it is today a comfortable and dingy life. Dingy? Yes dingy and I didn’t misspoke. It’s really important which perception you have towards the environment. I have a truly decisive question to you. Is the entirety of globalization for you a CHANCE or a CHALLENGE? Ask yourself that. Nowadays we have developed many benefits whether it be the global “togetherness”, the access to the global market area or a crucial aspect for all of your readers out there the mobile and internet technology. Nevertheless, the other side of the medal is the key point of my complete writing. Someday I started to reflect myself and realize all challenges we have got from the globalization. I walked through the streets of the city centre and looked into some clothing stores. I looked in the happy face of one employee. I requested myself are we literally live in a perfect world without regrets and are we honestly take everything for granted? With many expectations to figure it out I set off a journey through Bangladesh as a reporter. After one month of horrendous experiences I came back with a lot of insights. First let me assess you the shocking production conditions there. The workers in the Viyellatex factory are making clothes especially for western firms but the situation there was far away from being optimal. They slave away seven days a week and have no guarantee of work security. However they told me that without the job they couldn’t feet their family, so some workers see it as a chance. How it could be a chance when there are existed disastrous circumstances, physical assault, forced overtime, sometimes failure to pay wages etc.     

Englisch, Text

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