Englisch Prüfung, Martin Luther King

Guten Morgen erstmal, Ich hab demnächst meine Englisch Prüfung mein Thema Martin Luther King, ich hab die ersten Teile der Prüfung in der Schule geschrieben dort bekomme ich auch Hilfe dabei, bei den letzten teil den ich geschrieben habe, waren bereits Ferien und keiner hat es sich angeguckt. Ich tue mich sehr schwer in den sprachlichen Fächern und jetzt möchte ich euch bitten mal rüber zuschauen und auch die gravierenden Fehler zu korrigierten

Danke für eure Zeit und euer Aufwand :)

His work brought decisive success in the equality of blacks, after the large protests in 1963 were 2 decision duck passed laws. in 1964 the "Civil Rights Act" racial segregation in any state of the United States was thus officially prohibited in all areas. This means that blacks and the white is no longer retained by the public as Minder finished. Thus they may, for example. On the bus there again sat where they want and do not separate from other people, and they are not obliged to others to give their place if they require it. In the same year he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

A year later, the US Congress passed the "Voting Rights Act", which canceled all restrictions on the right to vote for blacks. This means that citizens of color are free to choose and may themselves steal the election.

Although Martin Luther King was the situation for blacks much improved with its use, we must not forget that even today many people with prejudices, exclusion, hostility and discrimination are struggling. Although they are equal before the law, but the reality is often different. Furthermore, much more black Americans living in the US relatively poor and can not afford a good education. In powerful positions and political office still dominates the white population. Especially for many African Americans the election of Barack Obama as the first black US president was therefore of great importance. But Martin Luther King's speech from 1963 still remains the dream of a world as it could be one day

Englisch, Schule, Prüfung, Grammatik, MSA, Martin Luther King
About my self, Englisch Prüfung

Hey Leute, ich hab die Frage schon mal gestellt:

In 2 Wochen habe ich meine Englische Prüfung, und dazu gehört der about my self teil, ich hab gestern ein Text geschrieben und jetzt zur meiner Frage: könntet ihr bitte ein Blick Trüber zu werfen, da meine Grammatik miserabel ist, der Text findet ihr weiter unten.

Danke jetzt schonmal für eure Hilfe und Zeit :)

PS: denkt ihr das reicht für 3-4 min ?

Good morning ... My name is Rohan... and i would like to talk a little bit about my self. I was born in Hamburg on ... so I am 16 years old. I am a friendly an polite person. I went to the primary school ... and since 2010 I attent the ... I am in class 10b and my class teacher is ... and the stundents in my class are all friendly and different. My favorite subjekts are physiks, chemistry and biology. I dont like art, because it just makes me no fun. In my freetime I meet friends, do sports and watch Anime. I speak German, Hindi my mothertounge and a little bit English. My favorite movie is Shutter Island and my favorite colours are black and green.

Now I will talk about my familie and in the end about my future plans

I have two brothers one junger and one older The older brother ist 21 years old and does bis highschool graduation here in the school My junger brother is also here in the school in the 5 class, he is 11 years old. My father is 48 Years old and his profession is salespeeson and has his own asia shop My mother visit a german course and she is a realley good cook. She dont know when she was born, because she grew up in Kabul and in Kabul nobody cares of the date and she also dosent have a zertifaktion of birth. My parents an they families cames to Germany, because of the war and the Tahliban so that they cant live there.

And my future plans: I will do my highschool gradiation and if I was good enough, I will study and if it not possible to study, I will search a training course in a bank or something like that. Ortherwise i would like to travel around the world.

Englisch, Schule, Prüfung, Grammatik, korrigieren, MSA, Oberstufe

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