Ist dieser personal letter für das Sprachniveau B1 gelungen?

Hi Julia,                 

   how are you? I hope you’re fine. I have just read your e-mail and I must say: WOW…A camping holiday…. 


I am very jealous of you because you were in a camping holiday. But now I think you are very relaxed and you can prepare you exam very good and you will write a good mark.           
My interest in your camping holiday is very big. That’s why I would like to know more about it. Where and how long did you spend your camping holiday? Was it in the mountains or on the sea? I also want to know what you did during your vacation. Did do visit lots of famous monuments or did you often go for a walk? Last but not least you have to tell me  if you travelled with your family or with friends. Please tell me more about it soon!                                       

I am a person who loves traveling with his parents. First of all I think you often have stressy days at home with your parents then you also have to relax with them together. Second your parents pay everything if you travel with them. So you do not have to pay from your money. That is very nice!         

As far as I am concerned I really love camping holidays because you don’t always have to stay in the same country. If you do not want to stay in one place then you can take your things and you can go to another. That is very beautiful. In addition I think a camping holiday is much more exciting than a normal hotel stay because you have to look after yourself. For example you also have to cook. That is very nice. That is why we always go on a camping holiday too. Maybe we could meet on a camping holiday…. Who knows…….     


Now as I am close to the summer holidays, my parents start to think about a suitable country where we could travel. I would like to travel to a country where are mountains and a sea too.  I wonder how many countries can offer this. For example, we could go to Spain. There is a wonderful landscape with mountains and a wonderful sea too. And the weather is always good too. This country would be perfect because I love swimming and hiking. But I still have to convince my parents. Wish me luck.                                       

So far for now! I hope to hear from you soon and looking forward to more details about your camping holiday. I wish you good luck for your exam tomorrow. Best wishes to you and your family. 



Englisch, Schule, B1
Fehler bei diesem Vorstellungstext für DELF B1?

In ein paar Tagen habe ich die mündliche DELF Prüfung in Französisch B1. Am Anfang muss man sich ja 2-3 Minuten vorstellen, und dafür habe ich diesen Text geschrieben. Rechtschreibfehler sind nicht schlimm, da es ja nur mündlich ist. Allerdings bin ich mir nicht so sicher ob die Grammatik überall stimmt. Ich habe noch nicht so viel geschrieben, also wären weitere Themenvorschläge auch hilfreich. Hier mein Text:


Je m’appelle (...) et j’ai quinze ans. J’habite a (...), c’est un quartier de (...).

J’ai deux frères, (...) et (...). (...) est le plus vieux frère et il a dix ans. Le plus jeune frère s’appelle (...) et il a quatre ans. Mon père travails pour la protection contre les radiations et il vient de Russie. Ma mère vient d’Ukraine et elle est une prof.

J’ai un chien blanc, un bichon frisé, qui a quatre mois. Mon hobby est le ballet. Mon école de ballet est à (...). J’ai commence a l’âge de quatre ans. Pendant mes temps libre je lis beaucoup. J’aime les livres fantastiques, pour example Harry Potter de jk Rowling, ou un palais d’épines et de roses de Sarah j Maas. Mon auteur préfere est Kerstin Gier. J’aime aussi peindre, surtout avec des aquarelles. Ma couleur preferee est le bleu clair. 

Apres mon bac, je veut étudier. Maintenant mes métiers preferees sont l’allemand et l’anglais. 

Schule, Prüfung, Sprache, Vorstellung, Text, Französisch, B1, delf, Grammatik, mündliche Prüfung

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