Verres- ein krimineller statthalter auf Sizilien?


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Verres - ein krimineller Statthalter auf Sizilien

Gaius Verres plünderte die Provinz Sizilien schamlos aus. Cicero klagt ihn daher in einem aufsehenerregenden Prozess in Rom an.

Venio nunc ad istius, quemadmodum ipse appellat, studium, ut

amici eius, morbum et insaniam, ut Siculi, latrocinium; 1 ego,

quo nomine appellem, nescio; 2 rem vobis proponam, vos eam

suo, non nominis pondere penditote! 3 Genus ipsum prius

cognoscite, iudices! 4 Deinde fortasse non magno opere

quaeretis, quo id nomine appellandum putetis. 5 Nego in

Sicilia tota, tam locupleti, tam vetere provincia, tot oppidis, tot

familiis tam copiosis, ullum argenteum vas, ullum Corinthium

aut Deliacum fuisse, ullam gemmam aut margaritam, quicquam

ex auro aut ebore factum, signum ullum aeneum, marmoreum,

eburneum, nego ullam picturam neque in tabula neque in textili,

quin conquisiverit, inspexerit, quod placitum sit, abstulerit. 6

Magnum videor dicere: Attendite etiam, quemadmodum dicam!

7 Non enim verbi neque criminis augendi causa complector

omnia: 8 Cum dico nihil istum eius modi rerum in tota

provincia reliquisse, Latine me scitote, non accusatorie loqui!

Sprache, Text, Übersetzung, Cicero, Lateinübersetzung, übersetzen, Cicero in Verrem, Verres
Denkt ihr diese short story ist mir gelungen?

Hallo ich schreibe am Donnerstag eine Englisch Klausur und habe deshalb diese short story über das Bild oben geschrieben zur Übung. Hätte jemand Lust sie durchzulesen und mir zu sagen was ich besser machen könnte? ( ich habe jetzt nicht auf Rechtschreibfehler geachtet aber wenn sie jemandem auffallen wäre das nett sie mir zu sagen)

I knew it was a dumb idea to play spin the bottle with them, but how could i know i would end up alone in the forest. In tears, i walked through the shadowy forest. I could`nt get the voices of my schoolmates out of my head. The forest was such noiceless that all i could hear was the laugh of my schoolmates in my head. „Oh poor baby, you wanted to kiss him,am i right?“ the voice in my head said. „Shut up!“ I screamed and run disoriented through the liveless forest. „I regretted going to this halloween party. I got such an ugly little red hood costum and my hair is such a mess, meanwhile every other girl at the party looked perfect. Why am i so dumb that i thought he would even notice me.“ i yelled at myself. I was`nt paying attention were i was going and all of sudden i fell over a rock and rolled down a hill. My head started hurting and my knee started bleeding. I was sitting shocked on the bottom of the hill and feeling dizzy. I couldnt hold it any longer, i started to cry and yelled things at myself with a trembling voice:

„I didnt expected to get lost alone in a forest after i run away from the party just because Jeremy had to kiss a girl while playing spin the bottle. Now im sitting in the middle of nowhere and got injured. Nobody is going to search for me. Im so pathetic.“

After a while i heard somebody calling my name: „Jade! Jade! Where are you?.“ I answered: „Here!“ The person was coming closer and even in the dark forest i could see it was Jeremy. He run towards to me and hugged me closely. While he was huggin me he said with a trembling voice: „I was searching you for hours. I saw you were running in the forest alone and i was worried about you.“ My heart started beating very fast. I asked him: „Why didnt you stay there with all the other girls?“

He answered in an angry voice: „Did you thought i would stay there because of them? They are talking badly about me behind my back. I wanted to go there because my friend said you would be there.“ He leaned over me and kissed me. „I know i should have asked you this before, but do you want to go on a date with me?“ he said. I was too stunned to speak. With wide open eyes i stuttered: „Y-yes“ As i wanted to stand up, he noticed my bleeding knee and said: „You are injured very bad! Why have`nt you told me? We need to stop the bleeding immidiatly! Lean on my shoulder we should walk back.“ After we reached the house Jeremy shouted: „Jade is bleeding badly we need help!“ Jeremy laid me on the sofa and all of sudden i fell asleep.

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Arbeit, Englisch lernen, Text, school, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Rechtschreibung, 10. Klasse
Englisch Argumentative Essay?

Wie findet ihr diesen Argumentative Essay, ich hab heute die Klassenarbeit zurückbekommen und hab eine 4 bekommen. (9.Klasse)

Die Aufgabe war folgende: Schreibe einen Argumentative Essay über das Thema: "Doing an exchange year in Australia is a great idea". Wir mussten mindestens 3 Argumente dafür, und 3 dagegen finden.

Australia, the continent where the most dangerous animals are living, is very interesting for students who want to do an exchange year in a country where people speak English. The following essay will show argument sfor, and against doing an exchange year in Australia.

At the beginning, we will look at the arguments against the exchange year.

First, in Australia there are lots of dangerous animals, for example snakes, spiders, and others, they can kill you with just a bite, and it could be hard to get the medicin for that.

Furthermore, you could argue you cant visit your family very often, the distance between Australia and Germany is really big, and the tickets for planes are really expensive.

The last argument against the exchange year, is that it might be hard for you to understand the Australian people talking, because of their hard accent.

Lets move on to the arguments for doing an exchange year in Australia.

Firstly, Australia offers a lot when it comes to nature, on the one day you could see a shark swimming in the sea, and on the other, you could be in the desert.

Another argument for doing the exchange year is, that you can learn a lot about other cultures, for example the Aboriginals. You could learn how they lived in the Outback, or about the stolen generations.

Last but not least, you could argue that you would learn the language, if you are doing an exchange year in Australia, because you would speak English all day long.

In my opinion, an exchange year to Australia is a great way to learn English, and a lot about the aboriginals and how the lived there

Englisch lernen, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment

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