
Wir sollten einen Text über "Does money make happy?" schreiben. Passt das dann so?:

Happiness. Is there anything we are striving for more? Some people might say they are seeking money, their dream job, or maybe the love of their life. But all these goals are lifting up the parallel between work and happiness. These goals are about making you happy. But this brings us to our main question: Do we really have to work hard and sweaty to end up content and happy? The easiest way to come up with an answer is looking at the correlation of a job's earning and the feeling of happiness. Evidently, not every wealthy person died happy or content. There are thousands of billionaires not being thrilled about their great richness. They did work hard for their money, but this isn't making them feel okay. Looking at the opposite, we see poor people left with nothing leading a quite fulfilling life. They had enough time to ponder essential aspects of life and to conclude that life isn't about the biggest cars, houses, or private jets. And I am convinced that this work of thinking and absolutely correct conclusion takes a lot more effort than some moneybags made. The material the world is holding up for you if you work hard doesn't make you happy in any kind. A clear sentiment focusing on important things such as maintaining a loyal relationship with friends and family or growing up mentally results in a great life. Material is temporary, but what remains are your positive thoughts and ideas you share with people you love and your attemptment to become the best version of yourself. Dreams should follow you and not the other way around.

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Hallo, könnte sich jemand bitte meinen Text anschauen (vor allem Grammatik). Vorab will ich sagen, dass es um einen Tag in einem Bildungszentrum geht.

,,When we hadn‘t arrived yet, I was really scared because I had thought that it would be similar to my internship in March. But when I arrived there, I wasn‘t scared anymore because the specialists greeted us in a very friendly way. We all were standing there while the specialist was telling us where we were going to work in the following two days. I was in the maintenance group which was called cosmetic. I don‘t have anything to with cosmetic at all because I still don‘t paint my nails, wear make-up and so on, so I thought that it would be fun. When we came into the special room, we first watched a video about safety- and hygiene measures. Then we started working. We got a hairdressing head and curles because we had to do a volume winding. It was pretty difficult for me because I had never done it before in my life. Luckily, the specialist helped me and I did it alone after that! Next, we could paint our nails and do a manicure. I didn‘t do anything because I neither wanted to paint my nails nor a manicure because as I said, I am not interested in painting my nails. I was only observing my classmates who were painting their nails, yet it was very interesting because they they were hilarious. After that, we were allowed to wash each other‘s hair and also to do a hairstyle by using for example a hair curler and straightener. We washed X‘s hair and we did her a volume winding. Sadly, it didn’t work because we did it wrongly.“

Englisch lernen, Text, Übersetzung, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Rechtschreibung

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