
3 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


vorab: Ich weiß leider nicht genau, wo du das Praktikum gemacht hast – und aus deinem Text wird das leider nicht ersichtlich. Daher tue ich mich bei einigen Sätzen schwer, diese adäquat zu beurteilen.

,,When we hadn‘t arrived yet, I was really scared because I had thought that it would be similar to my internship in March. (Der Satz klingt irgendwie schräg. Verbesserungs-vorschlag: Before we arrived, I had been really scared and thought that the internship would be similar to the one (I did) in March.) But when I arrived there, I wasn‘t scared any more because the specialists greeted us in a very friendly way. We all were all standing there while the specialist was telling us where we were going to work in the following two days.

I was in the maintenance group which was called cosmetic (Dieser Satz klingt komisch „Ich war in der Pflege-Gruppe, die kosmetisch genannt wurde” ??? Vielleicht meinst du etwas wie: I was assigned to the cosmetics department. = Ich wurde der Kosmetik-Abteilung zugewiesen). I don‘t have anything to do with cosmetics at all because I still don‘t paint my nails, wear make-up and so on, so I thought that it would be fun.

When we came into the special room (versuche, ein besseres Wort als „special” zu finden, es ist nicht ganz klar, was du mit dem speziellen Raum meinst.) We first watched a video about safety and hygiene measures. Then we started working. We got a hairdressing head and curles because we had to do a volume winding (Ich befürchte, dass du „Volumenwicklung” nicht wörtlich ins Englische übersetzen kannst und einen Frisierkopf nennt man eher „hairstyling head”. Mein Vorschlag: We got a hairstyling head and had to put its hair in curlers. = Wir bekamen einen Frisierkopf und mussten Lockenwickler auf das Haar drehen.) It was pretty difficult for me because I had never done it before in my life . Luckily, the specialist helped me and I did (schöner: managed to do) it alone after that!

Next, we could paint our nails and do a manicure. I didn‘t do anything because I neither wanted to paint my nails nor do a manicure because, as I said, I am not interested in painting my nails. I was only observing So the only thing I did was watch my classmates who were painting their nails, yet it was very interesting because they they were hilarious. After that, we were allowed to wash each other‘s hair and also to do a hairstyle (schöner: try out different hairstyles) by using for example curling tongs (= Lockenstab ?) or a hair straightener (= Glätteisen). We washed X‘s hair and we did her a volume winding (siehe oben. Vorschlag: and we gave her hair more texture by putting it in curlers). Sadly, it didn’t work because we did it wrong. (wrongly bedeutet „fälschlicherweise / zu Unrecht”)

Hoffe, das hilft dir weiter.


 20.06.2024, 16:30

Dankeschön! Also mit maintenance group meinte ich eigentlich Gewerk. Was heißt das denn auf Englisch?

verbosus  20.06.2024, 17:18

Das Wort verwende ich so gut wie nie ... Also du könntest es wohl je nach Zusammenhang mit step, site oder trade verbinden. Ich finde hier alles schwierig, da ich nicht weiß, wo du dein Praktikum gemacht hast.

 20.06.2024, 17:25

Ne, also es war so ein Bildungszentrum, wo wir jeden Tag ein neues Gewerk hatten und den Beruf wie ein Praktikum uns anschauen durften. Deshalb wollte ich dann Gewerk sagen

verbosus  20.06.2024, 17:27

Ich denke "cosmetics department" trifft den Kern schon ganz gut. "maintenance" habe ich bisher nur in Bezug auf Maschinen o.Ä. gehört.

verbosus  20.06.2024, 17:51

Ich habe gerade noch einmal nachgeschlagen: Fürs Haarvolumen verwendet man wohl eher "texture" statt "volume".


Ich habe mehrere Fehler entdeckt. I don't have anything to DO with ...

Curls schreibt sich ohne "e"

I neither wanted to paint my nails nor DO (natürlich klein schreiben, wie oben auch, ich hab es nur groß geschrieben, um es deutlicher hervorzuheben)...

Im Satz mit I was only observing my classmates kann das who were weg gelassen werden. Und am Ende it didn't work hoffe ich einfach, dass das ein versehen war mit dem d und das letzte Wort muss mWn wrong heißen.

Sonst ist mir nix aufgefallen, aber ich kann was übersehen haben. Ich hoffe, dass andere User, die sich sehr gut auskennen, den Text später auch noch lesen, vor allem die Experten. Bin ich zwar theoretisch auch, aber nicht bestätigt auf dieser Website.

 19.06.2024, 21:11

Darf ich fragen, wieso kein wrongly, da sich es doch auf das did bezieht und somit ein Adverb ist?


Before we got there I was really quite scared, because I thought that it would turn out similar to my internship in March. But when I arrived there I wasn‘t scared anymore because the specialists greeted us in a very friendly way. We all were standing there listening to the specialist who told us where we were going to work during the following two days. I was in the maintenance group which was called cosmetics. I don‘t have anything to do with cosmetics at all because I still don‘t paint my nails, wear make-up and so on, so I thought that it would be fun. In the special room into which were taken we first watched a video about safety and hygiene measures. Then we started working. We got a hairdressing head and curls because we were told to do a volume winding. It was pretty difficult for me because I had never done it before in all my life. Luckily, the specialist helped me with it and I did it all alone after that! Next, we could paint our nails and do a manicure. I didn‘t do anything because I neither wanted to paint my nails nor a manicure because as I said, I am not interested in painting my nails. I was just observing my classmates paint their nails, yet it was very interesting because they were hilarious. After that, we were allowed to wash each other‘s hair and also to do a hairstyle by using for example a hair curler and straightener. We washed X‘s hair and we did her a volume winding. Sadly, it didn’t work because we did it all wrong.