Englisch Klassenarbeit über Australien.

Hallo, Ich muss in meiner nächste Arbeit einen Text über Australien schreiben und wollte mal fragen ob mein Text, den ich geschrieben habe, gut ist.

Dear ..., I spend my holidays in Australia, because my friend has told me, that Australia is very interesting. Do you know the History of Australia? The History of Australia is very Amazing, so i want to Tell you Sonpmething about the History. In 16th Century, the Humans Startes to arrive, but many People are died, because they have to Fight in blöde Fights. In 1901, Australia which is the smalles continent, was founded. Yesterday we have visit the Ayers Rock, which is also fallen Uluru. The Uluru is a really sacred place for the Aboriginies, therefore you have to show respect. The Ayers Rock is in the middle of nowhere, so it's really difficult to arrive to the Ayers Rock. Fortunately, there are a Pool in our hotel, because it's very hot ans dry. Today we want to go to the kargest coral reef in the world, which is called Great Barrier Reef. Do you know that you can see the Great Barrier Reef from space with the naked eye?It's really beautiful, the Blue water, the blue sky and the 2.000 species of animals. Another highlight in Australia is Sydney. Sydney, which is the biggest city in Australia, isn't the capital, because the capital is Canberra. I think The Most interesting sight is the Opera House, which is surrounded by water on three sides. So, Australia is a really wonderful country and i want you to go to Australia.

Dear ...

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Englisch, Text, 9. Klasse, Australien, Klassenarbeit
Charakterisierung Englisch Just Along for a Ride Fehle?!

Wäre lieb, wenn jmnd. drüberschauen könnte und evtl. Fehler findet, Verbesserungsvorschläge...

The story “Just Along for the Ride” by Dennis Kurumada in 1972 is about young boys who dirve in a car and try to flatten a kid. This plan gets out of control and doesn’t turn out well. The main character of the story ”Just Along for a Ride” is a male student, about 16 years old. The protagonist uses everyday language (l.15) He describes himself being “pretty dull” (l.3), because he drives around with his friend who just got his license. In fact he is “cold, damp and bored” (l. 5) what the narrator also tells us directly (the main character is also the narrator. That implies that they aren’t very creative, otherwise he wouldn’t be bored. As the other boys want to flatten a kid he doesn’t agree. On the one hand he has feelings of guilty, he’s a thoughtful person. On the other hand he is scared, which means that he is a careful person and thinks about the consequences. Because of this characteristic he is gibed by his friends. They think that he is a killjoy and not humorous. For example: “You worry too much. Whenever we wanna have some fun, you always chicken out.” (l.15). He isn’t very assertive or strong-minded in the beginning. His friends retune him and oppress him. For instance: “We drive up slow, then swing open the door real fast, and knock the guy on his can,” says Phil (l.10). The protagonist is against it. “You guys are nuts,” he says and “What if they call the cops?” (l.15) Although they still do it. Or in line 34 he wants the driver to stop the car but the driver convinces him that it is necessary to drive on. In the end he feels guilty even if it hasn’t been his idea and he tried to stop the others. That’s why he is really responsible-minded but he also doesn’t want his friends to get in trouble, he’s kind of loyal. He shows his feelings what makes him sensible (l.30). Finally he gets strong-minded and assertive. At night his friends visit him and propose him to forget about the crime. He gets mad and visits the victim, what nobody expects. All in all I think the protagonist is a adorable person. I can identify with the character because it’s realistic how he reacts. Besides I liked it a lot that he did not do what his friends want him to do. He goes his own was and that’s brave. In opposite to the protagonist there’s Phil also a co-driver. He is male, a student and about 16 years old. The first time he says something he cuts off the protagonist (l.8). That’s impolite and not respectful. On top of that he is vicious, careless and sneaky because he has the idea “to drive up to somebody….some kid….and flatten him.”(l.8) He is language is colloquial, e. g. “We wanna have some fun…“ (l.16) and firstly he doesn’t speak fluently (l.8) It seems that he tries to be funny and cool, so the others respect him. In conclusion I think Phil isn’t very authentic and very likeable. I have the impression that he is a daredevil and a false friend.

Englisch, Text, Charakter
Ist die Inhaltsangabe zu ''Wilhelm Tell'' passend?

Hey ihr ich muss eine Inhaltsangabe zu ''Wilhelm Tell'' schreiben. Könnt ihr mir sagen ob die Inhaltsangabe aussagekräftig genug ist und ob man sie noch irgendwo kürzen kann?!

Das Drama „Wilhelm Tell“ wurde 1804 von Friedrich von Schiller fertiggestellt. Das Buch handelt von dem Freiheitskampf der Schweizer gegen die Unterdrückung der Örsterreicher, der von dem Helden Wilhelm Tell repräsentiert wird. Das Drama endet mit einem tragischen Tod und der Befreiung der Schweiz. Die Handlung beginnt, als Baumgarten von Reitern verfolgt wird, weil er den Burgvogt ermordet hat, der seine Frau vergewaltigen wollte. Er bittet den Fischer Ruodi, ihn über den Vierwaldstätter See zu rudern, dieser weigert sich aber wegen eines aufkommenden Seesturms. Tell erscheint und bietet sich an, den Baumgarten über den See zu rudern. Die Reiter verwüsten Baumgartens Hütte und die Gärten in der Umgebung. Es gibt Aufruhr gegenüber dem Verhalten der Habsburgischen Besatzungsmacht. Stauffacher will Tell von dem Aufstand der Kantone gegen Österreich überzeugen. Tell will sich aus der Mitarbeit für die Planung des Aufstands heraushalten, aber er verspricht beim Ernstfall seiner Freundespflicht nachzukommen. Der Rütli-Schwur kommt so ohne ihn zustande. Bertha kann Rudenz in dieser Zeit auch von der Eidgenossenschaft und dem Aufstand überzeugen. Tell wird auf seiner Reiße nach Altdorf indirekt mit in den Schwur integriert, denn er weigert sich den Hut zu ehren den Gessler aufstellen ließ. Tell muss zur Strafe den Apfel vom Kopf seines Sohnes schießen. Es gelingt ihm, doch nach der Frage wozu der zweite Pfeil ist, sagt er, dass der Pfeil für den Vogt gewesen wäre, hätte er seinen Sohn getroffen. Gessler lässt ihn trotz dem Versprechen der Freiheit einkerkern. Tell kann aber während eines Unwetters bei der Verschiffung entkommen. Er beschließt den Gessler zu ermorden um dem tyrannismus ein Ende zu setzen. In der hohlen Gasse bei Küßnacht lauert er auf. Sein Pfeil trifft Gessler. Durch den Mord an dem willkürlichen Vogt Gessler beginnt die Freiheit der Schweizer. Bertha wird von Rudenz gerettet. Tell begegnet Parricida, der seinen Vater getötet hat. Er bewegt ihn nach Rom zu gehen um zu beichten. Bertha und Rudenz werden in den Bund der Eidgenossen aufgenommen. Rudenz lässt alle seine Knechte frei.

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Deutsch, Text, Inhaltsangabe, Literatur, Verbesserung, wilhelm tell

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