Warum mögen so viele Amerikaner Hunde nicht (Englisch)?

Ich habe ein Video auf Youtube gesehen wie ein Hund sich vor die Autos stellt damit Kinder den Zebrastreifen überqueren können. Da hat eine Frau kommentiert:

"We dont deserve dogs, we really don't. they are just absolutely faithful and loyal souls."

Dann kam als Antwort:

yeah lets forget the other billion children they attack and eat out of jealousy.. and lets forget the fact that a dog doesnt love u but your food and mutt lovers like u give dogs priorities over Humans! do u even read what u have written? we humans dont deserve them... yeah true we dont cause we dont wanna be chased and get bitten and attacked thats right Miss mutty nutty... idk about america... but come to detroit and get yourself introduced to some stray dogs they rip your face off lady doggy.... do u deserve it? yes ofc u do since u put them over us humans a dog can never be more emotional then a human can... believing that makes u a sick psycho... u are really sick! i bet u would let a child back just to safe a mutt people like u are truly a disgrace and dangerous! yes we dont deserve them especially children that get regularly injured heavily by those mutants... but as i have said... come to detroit and take a walk arround a stray dogs area... they ripp u off u idiot of a stupid woman... dont give that mutt 3 days to eat and watch what happens to u and how loyal he will stay to u stupid ass lady that really thinks a dog gives a f*** and understands what ure saying talkin bout loyalty... get the f*** outta here b*tch.

Und das haben über 3000 leute geliked.... und alle so "du hast recht" bla bla etc..

Und das hab ivh bei vielen.amerikanern gesehen das die Hunde eimfach nicht mögen sind die hunde dort anders als hier? Oder woran.liegt das?

YouTube, Hund, Hunderasse, Hundeerziehung, Ausgrenzung, Hass, Hundehaltung, Kommentare, schlagen, hassliebe, Hassrede

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