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,,I have been living in xy with my family, so my mother, my father, my sister, and two pets since 2015. On the one hand, I like living here since it is a quiet place but on the other hand, I don‘t like living here because of the people. Some of them are just mean. Above all, it‘s sometimes hard to get to school because I go to school by taking two buses. The first one arrives here at 6:40 a.m, so I need to leave the house at 6:28 a.m. That means I have to get up at 5:40 a.m. to brush my teeth and change clothes. The second one arrives in x at 6:55 a.m. If the first bus doesn‘t arrive punctually, I miss the other bus and that means I would have to wait in x until someone of my family would pick me up. That happened one day. I was very stressed. I had been waiting for about 30 minutes until my father picked me up. He arrived after 30 minutes because he had been at his job before, so it was a stressful day for everyone. I normally arrive at school at 7:15 a.m. and as soon as I arrive there, I either talk to Jana and Melinda or if we write a class test on that day, I repeat the stuff that I studied the day before. I always try to do my best. After school, I always have lunch with my family. I always talk a lot and tell my parents about everything. After eating, I always study for tests and class tests which we are going to write soon or I simply prepare something for school like today. At 5:30 p.m. I always have a bath and after bathing, I go on with studying until 9 or 10 p.m. I really want to have a job which I really like. I still don‘t know what I want to work as in future. Some people say that I would be a very good teacher, scientist, lawyer or a doctor. At the weekend, I occasionally sleep until 11 a.m and then I eat "breakfast“. When there‘s nothing to do, we go to z to go for a walk along the xy. We have been going for a walk there for four years yet it is still not boring! Apart from that, I just relax. As you can see, my life isn‘t very unique right now but I like it! Before I came to this school, I had been at school in y. I came here in the middle of 6th grade. I always had to stay here until 3:30 p.m. because I was in class b (Also Klasse 6b). I hated going to school there because of the students and teachers. Most of them were extremely mean. That‘s the reason why I came to this school in 2022. In the Corona lockdown, so when I was in fifth grade I didn‘t really care about school and I played Roblox, an online game. I made a lot of online friends, so I played with them every time when I was able to. At the beginning of 6th grade, I started caring about school and I only had to stay at school until 1 p.m. because I was allowed to leave school earlier because of the circumstances. I also talked a lot back then but I didn‘t really study because I was interested in playing Roblox. So, my life hasn‘t really changed except my school life but I think it will change in the coming years. Next year I will be in xth grade and I still can‘t believe it because time flies so fast and I think my daily routine will change completely since we will have to go to an internship every Thursday and we will have to stay longer at school on Tuesdays, so it is going to be very stressful.

Ask Me Anything: Blickwechsel

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Ask Me Anything: Themenspecials

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So as we are working on a joint project on unequal distribution of income, I have come upon on an interesting article in the "Stern" magazine. The author Walter Wüllenberg states his profound opinion about the class mobility in Germany and how this has changed in the last years. In the following I will point out the main arguments and their argumentation.

Firstly, the author states, that the German inequality of class is not comparable to the American Class inequality, as the German discussion about class was about the under class and their immobility, whereas the US discussion about class was always accomplished by the prolific idea of the American Dream. This shows in the social spendings of Germany too, spending more than half of the income of the estate, incomparable to the US with only a fifth of theirs.

Henceforth, the author states that the class inequality in Germany much rather shows in the not existing middle class than in the poor estate of the under class. While economy has grown hugely in the last decades, the wages have nearly stagnated, showing that economies growth could not bared by society as a whole but only by the rich. Thus, the rich have gotten immensely richer, owning most of the capital of the country, and the rest just held their class. Yet the divide between the classes has grown and their nearly is no in between. This is worth the criticism because the growth of the economy is due to the work of the society as a whole, yet only few bear the fruits of the hard work, being quite unfair.

I hope that this has helped you and that it may have provoked some thoughts considering inequality. I would like to hear from you.


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