Website-Analyse: Wie können "CVE"-Fehler behoben werden?

Ich habe eine Website und es wurde eine Analyse durchgeführt. Hier sind die Ergebnisse, die ich nicht interpretieren kann ("meine-website" in habe ich als Platzhalter eingefügt):

- Problem: 

-- Finding: Detected CVEs for ISC BIND 9.11.4 with CVSS above 7.0 

-- Asset: 

-- Description: The detected technology has CVEs with a CVSS score higher than 7.0. It should be prioritized for patching, and addressed as part of the evaluation of Vulnerabilities and Risk Management policies.

- Problem: 

-- Finding: Detected CVEs for OpenSSH 7.4 with CVSS above 7.0

-- Asset: 

-- Description: The detected technology has CVEs with a CVSS score higher than 7.0. It should be prioritized for patching, and addressed as part of the evaluation of Vulnerabilities and Risk Management policies.

- Problem: 

-- Finding: Detected CVEs for Exim 4.95 with CVSS above 7.0

-- Asset: 

-- Description: The detected technology has CVEs with a CVSS score higher than 7.0. It should be prioritized for patching, and addressed as part of the evaluation of Vulnerabilities and Risk Management policies.

- Problem: 

-- Finding: Detected CVEs for MySQL 5.7.23 with CVSS above 7.0

-- Asset: 

-- Description: The detected technology has CVEs with a CVSS score higher than 7.0. It should be prioritized for patching, and addressed as part of the evaluation of Vulnerabilities and Risk Management policies.

Was muss ich konkret tun, um die Probleme zu beheben?

Webseite, Domain, Hosting, IT-Sicherheit, Mailserver

Meistgelesene Beiträge zum Thema Mailserver