
1 Antwort

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Welcome to the discussion (Punkt)

(neuer Satz) Over the last two decades the world has changed dramatically (Komma) not only in the aspect of (Formulierung) developing but also in (---) the future (Punkt) – nicht nur in der Entwicklung sondern auch in der Zukunft?

(neuer Satz) Today I’m going to show you the positive and negative effects of (---) future work.

As you know (Komma) today many people are buying (Grammatik) on the Internet not only that (Komma) we also let AI (Artifical Intelligence) do some of our work. However (Komma) many people and Experts (RS = Rechtschreibung) are arguing (Grammatik) that this could be a big concern for us and it is indeed.

Do you think our kids will have a different work-life than us (Ausdruck)? Now let’s consider the positive aspects, and let the ball rollin (RS; Grammatik).

1. The first positive aspect is that Robots (RS) will do our work. They will do our

dangerous work (Wiederholung), like working in a very cold environment or (---) lifting heavier weights or in Industries (RS) where they are doing (Grammatik) a lot of work today (In diesem Satzteil fehlt mir ein „schon“.)

but in the future they will do most of the work. And (kein Satzanfang sondern eine Konjunktion) they will work without taking any breaks (Punkt) (Neuer Satz) So it (Wer oder was?) would be more beneficial for Industries and big Business owners. (In diesem Abschnitt benutzt du zu oft „they“.)


2. For the more (Ausdruck, Rechtschreibung) (Komma) we can’t ignore the second big aspect that (---) future work gave (Grammatik) us Online ordering.

That has the benefit we (Formulierung, Ausdruck) can order almost everything online

(Neuer Aspekt, deshalb neuer Satz) which is very beneficial (Wiederholung) we can look in different stores (In verschiedenen Geschäften kann man auch offline schauen.) around the globe and buy from everywhere.

We also have (Wort) many discounts and after ordering we can give feedback on the products.


3. The last positive aspect is that today also can work from home (Das Subjekt fehlt. Die Satzstellung ist falsch). Which (Grammatik) changed our worklife during the Corona Virus (Ausdruck).

You don’t need to go to (Hier fehlt ein Artikel.) office so then (Ausdruck) you can also spare your time (Ausdruck) and you can also (Wiederholung) work in (Wort) global companies from home.


While you have know (RS) heard the positive aspects now you will hear about

the negative and bad aspect (Satzzeichen fehlt.)


1. Starting with the downside (Komma) the first negative aspect (---) is that we

will loose (RS) our jobs to Robots (RS) (Neuer Satz) it is beneficial but it will also cause job losses and very few jobs that people can do. (Seltsame Argumentation) For example (Komma) Cashiers (RS) and construction workers (Satzzeichen fehlt.) to name (Hier fehlt ein Wort.) a few (Satzzeichen fehlt.) are those who will most likely loose (RS) their jobs to (---) robots.

2. The second negative argument (Hier fehlt ein Wort.) has to be addressed is, (---) that because of work of future (Formulierung) many people are now ordering online (Punkt) (Seltsame Argumentation)

(neuer Satz) this has the bad side (Wort) (kein Komma) that their (RS; Grammatik) will be less social interaction between people and this will cause (---) great harm to us and our Society (RS). There are also many online scams that will and are doing (Grammatik) harm to us and it will cause fraud and theft.

3. Moving to the third point that is concerning us is that many Companies (RS) and Enterprises (RS) are allowing and making (Grammatik) their workers work from home, which can effect people in many ways (Komma) for example (---) feelings of Isolation (RS) (neuer Satz) it can also cause lack of productivity because you will be working from home and their (RS; Grammatik) will be no social interaction with colleagues and this can be a very important issue.


As you now have heard (Satzstellung, Wiederholung) of the conclusion (Wort) of (---) future work and the many positive and negative aspects of it (Komma) we can say that we can only hope that it will get better for us because as u (RS) now know

we really can’t make a real Summation (Wort, RS). Because (kein Satzanfang) it can be beneficial (---) and dangerous for us. And (kein Satzanfang) Yes (RS) the life’s (Grammatik) of our Children (RS) will be very different than (Grammatik, Wort) ours because they haven’t seen and experienced what we have (Komma) so they will be very delusional (Wort) and cannot really understand our life’s (Grammatik) and how we went (Wie wir wohin gingen?).


Adverbien, die am Satzanfang stehen können, sind z.B.:

•Firstly •Initially •Certainly •Therefore •Contrarily •However •Furthermore •Moreover •Additionally •Finally •Eventually •Lastly •Fortunately •Perhaps •Luckily •Briefly •Honestly •Personally •Understandably •Obviously •Apparently •Of course •Yesterday •Sometimes

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Du solltest bei der Wortwahl (z. B. also) abwechseln.

Formuliere kürzere, weniger verschachtelte Sätze um das Fehlerrisiko zu minimieren. Weniger ist manchmal mehr.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert, das Kursivgedruckte überdacht werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.com,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de - und Finger weg vom Google Übelsetzer und seinen tr.tteligen Kollegen!

:-) AstridDerPu

 - (Schule, Abitur, Grammatik)