Also ich schreibe in einigen Tagen eine wichtige Englischklausur, wo wir sowohl Summary als auch Charakterisierung schreiben müssen und natürlich haben wir zuvor auch Hausaufgaben bekommen, wo wir Charakterisierungen und Summarys schreiben mussten .. nur mein Problem ist irgendwie die Ttsache, dass ich automatisch, ohne es selber zu merken, die deutsche Grammatik für Englische Texte verwende und zu kompliziert schreibe, sodass ich dann im nachhinein nur mehr Fehler habe ..

Summary The short story ‘Locker 160’ written by Lee Busselman deals with two girls called Karen and Julie, who bully their classmate Miriam by play tricks on her. Karen gets the Idea to put a hate note in someone’s Locker and she and Julie choose the Locker from Miriam, their classmate, who is not hated by them, but they think, that she is different. At first Karen takes the hate note, put it in the Locker and walks away with the feeling of relief, but then it happens, that the two girls get fun to play nasty tricks on Miriam. They do it everytime, put some things like mean letters or an open plastic bag of marbles in her Locker, for a couple of days, until Miriam takes a option to try to commit suicide, (but instead of beeing guilty or take this as a warning) Karen and Julie laugh at the end.

Characterization In the shortstory ‘Locker 160’, written by Lee Busselman, an important character called Miriam takes place. She is a victim of Mobbing and gives the story a thread to be, how it belongs, even if this character wants to fade away in the end.

Miriam Laker is a student, seems to be around sixteen or seventeen - according to the text, her behavior seems to be x: She writes poetrys (l.10) what gives the impression, that Miriam is very creative and even if others maybe do not understand her, might not like her, because her hobby/ she seems weird for her classmates (l. 47) and would not be popular (l.9), she is still by herself and does her things, like study hard for school, be ambious, because of the fact, that she has never beeing late for a class (l.53-54) and keeps everthing tidy, not just in her locker (l. 14). It could be actually said, that she is clever in her way, but that she writes poetrys, instead of go out with friends, or something, it could be thought that she is lonley and very thoughtful at once.

Hat jemnd eine Idee, oder Vorschläge, damit ich die Klausur nicht völlig verhaue? :/

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Englisch, Text, Charakterisierung, Grammatik, Klausur, summary, Vorschlag

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