Englisch-Block Entry?


Wie findet ihr diesen Block Entry? Ich musste diese Bullet Points einbinden:

  • Die Wichtigkeit des Themas erklären.
  • Die negativen Dinge über Autofahren.
  • Die positiven Dinge über Fahrradfahren, Öffentliche Transportmittel, Zufußgehen.

Have you ever considered what you can do to effectively protect the environment? Every individual can take steps to reduce their carbon emissions on a daily basis.


As a
student, I learn about climate change every day at school, and it's evident
that our planet is at risk. While some people may feel powerless to make a
difference, everyone can do their part. Personally, I start my day by using
public transportation instead of driving to school.
Do not get
me wrong, I understand that many people prefer driving for its comfort and
convenience. However, it's important to remember the environmental impact of
burning fossil fuels and emitting car exhaust. In addition, opting for a bike
or bus ticket can be much more cheaper than owning and driving a car. Furthermore,
driving a car is not only harmful to the environment but also to our physical
health due to the negative effects of inhaling car exhaust.
the fact that there are alternatives, such as cycling, public
transportation, or walking, it simply doesn't make sense to rely on cars as our
primary means of transportation. On the one hand all of these alternatives are
better for the environment. On the other hand, there are much more positive
aspects about them. When you use public transport, you can talk to other
people. When cycling, you can see much more of the surroundings. Personally, I
find walking to be the most relaxing and enjoyable way to travel.
your opinion on this issue, and how do you usually travel?
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