Könnt ihr bitte meinen englischen Bericht zur Klassenfahrt berichtigen?


ich habe einen Bericht zu unserer Klassenfahrt nach Berlin geschrieben. Dieser müsste noch berichtigt werden, damit ich mir nichts falsches angewöhne. Wäre echt nett, wenn ihr das eben schnell erledigen könntet.

Hier der Text:

Our class trip to berlin goes from XXth to the XXth September, ´14 to the capital of Germany – berlin. Our bus started at 7 o´clock by bus. We arrived at 16 o´clock after some stressful hours in our hostel in XXXXX. After we had arrived there, we furnished our room and unpacked our luggage. That took nearly one hour. When we had finished that, we met our class in front of the entrance and drove to the city to eat something.
Next day, we had a lot of free time which spent in city to drink a Frappuccino by Starbucks. We had explored the next Mc Donald´s with some delicious burgers too. This day wasn’t very exciting. On Wednesday we went very hectically to the Bundestag early in the morning. There was a mistake between Mr. Mustermann and the management so we got a new earlier appointment. We were listen to a session and met Dennis Rohde and took a photo together after that. This was a little special thing at the class trip. Some free time was following on this event. Our teachers booked a leadership in the afternoon. We took many photos and learned lots of history in berlin. We saw special buildings, churches and the Brandenburger Tor. In the evening we went to the Musical of Udo Lindenberg “Hinterm Horizont” and ate pizza in restaurant. On Thursday we took a visit at a natural history museum place in the afternoon. We were “allowed” to see the stuffed polar bear Knut and many other wild stuffed animals. I must confess that it wasn’t very exciting for me. After we had visited the museum and a lot of free time we drove to the zoo palace (cinema) to watch the film “whoamI” inside a very empty hall. On Friday we drove back to school in a further stressful way. Finally it was an excited class trip and a nice experience.

Englisch, Bericht, Klassenfahrt, Berichtigung

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