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,,When we arrived there on the fifth day, we had to go to our maintenance group/department (Gewerk?) immediately because we already knew which group we belonged to. At first, we had to start forming the dough into small balls for the Cakepops. The dough was dough of a marble cake which we had baked the day before. It was pretty hard because they weren‘t allowed to have cracks in it and the dough didn‘t form into a ball because it always fell apart which was very annoying. It didn‘t matter what I tried. Then the manager helped me and after that I managed it myself. We put them into a freezer and while they were getting cold, we were cleaning the kitchen. I had to wipe the kitchen counters by using a cleaning cloth and then we had to use a water hole to wet the floor. Next we took a scrubber and a water squeegee to clean it. It was quite difficult to clean it because you had to be strong to clean every dirty spot on the floor. The water squeegee was very hard to use because you had to exert extreme strength to clean it correctly. After that, when the cakepops were colder, we dipped them into hot chocolate and we decorated them by using sprinkles. Then we put them into the fridge and we had to do the same things again, so cleaning the kitchen. After we had finally managed it, the day was already over. As a reward, we ate the cakepops outside.

Englisch lernen, Text, Übersetzung, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Rechtschreibung
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Nowadays the internet is becoming a bigger concern due to its unlimeted access. So its getting riskier to be online especially for children as there are many threats, such as fake profiles. However, is the internet really that dangerous?

First of all, I think the internet makes us very dependet, which can lead to developing addidictive behaviors, impacting both our personal lives and careers. For example during a family dinner, there is less conversation and more time spent surfing the internet. This can lead to conflict, just as when someone constantly checks their phone at work or in the school.

The next point is we are not always aware of the dangers online, because the internet is has become part of our everday life. From my point of view is this a big Problem, especially for young people, because they can visit websites that aren’t safe for them. For instance it can also be dangerous for children, as older people can pretend to be younger and attract children.

The next argument is that the internet also offers many benefits, such as educational plattforms, that help young people study for school. In my experience the internet provides learning materials and online courses, for example, which can help save time by avoiding long commutes.

Lastly its important to say that the internet make it easy to do many things online, which is often faster. For example shopping online is usually easier than going to a store especially when time is short.

All in all I can say the internet has good and negatives sites. One the one hand is the internet not good for children, because there are many dangers on the internet, on the othder hand you can benefit from internet.

Englisch lernen, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Auslandsjahr, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment

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