Why i would like to life in the USA / Englisch-Text: Ansehen bitte :)


ich hab einen english Text geschrieben, warum ich in den USA leben möchte.

Wäre toll wenn ihn jemand anschauen könnte :).

**Why I would like to live in the USA

Yes, I would like to live in the USA. I like the beautiful beaches in Florida, also known as “the sunshine state”. Every Evening I would be able to lie on the beach, assumed I have time. At any time of the year it is warm. In winter there is approximately 25 degree centigrade. The next reason why I would like to live in the USA is, because there are so many attractions. The education is there also not bad. There are many technical colleges to study. The United States leads the world in higher education and complementary advantages. In the first place a good business environment, way better than Europe or Canada and in the second place the largest single market in the world. If you do business in the United States of America, you can easily generate revenue to reinvest. Basically this means that doing business in America is preferable to doing business anywhere else in the world. America also leads in Art and Culture. They have Hollywood, Broadway, and Disney. They have vast natural resources, relatively underpopulated countrysides, and one of the highest educated work forces in the world. Finally, I can imaginable to live in the USA for a while, but my commands of English have to go better. But if I really live in the United States later, I have to inform more about the lifestyle in the USA. First of all I have got to take a vacation there and consider the important things there. Then I can only decide, if I live in the USA.**

Vielleicht könnt ihr noch Ideen ergänzen etc., weil ich irgendwie hatte ich zu wenig Informationen darüber.

Und sagt vielleichct eure Meinung über den Text wenn ihr wollt^^.

Aber hauptsächlich: Bitte den Text ansehen und auf auftretende Fehler durchsuchen, ob der Zusammenhang etc. passt.

Danke im voraus :)



Englisch, Schule, Amerika, USA, Aufsatz, Gymnasium
Austauschjahr Usa Gastfamilienbrief

Hallo, Ich möchte nächstes Jahr ein Jahr in die USA und ich bin gerade dabei mich zu bewerben. Nun muss ich einen Brief an die Gastfamilie schreiben und ich weiß nicht ob er gut ist und ob da Fehler drinne sind? Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen. Ich bedanke mich schonmal. Hier ist der Brief:

Dear host family,

first of all I want to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to spend a year in the USA with you and to be a part of your family. In this letter I try to give you an impression of my personality and to introduce myself, my family, the things I typically do and the place where I live.

My name is Tamara and I'm a 16 years old girl from Germany. I live in a small village near ***. I live alone with my mother in a nice apartment. My older brother **** doesn't live at home because he moved on when he was 16. He works as a market manager. My grandparents live near my mother and me.

My family is very important for me and we spend a lot of time together. My mother is a really good cook, she writes a lot and she likes earrings and especially shoes. Sometimes I help her to make earrings. I see my brother once a week because he didn't live very far away. Once a year we go on vacation. We have stayed in many places like Turkey, Spain, Tunisia, Italy and other places in Europe.

I love music so I listen to music very often. I play guitar since a year and I sing but I'm not in any band. I'm not a professional so I'm still learning. I write songs by myself, most in English and it makes really fun. I often meet my friends and then we talk or we going shopping or we do something else. Sometimes I do nothing and just relax but this is rare.

I go in10th grade in school. My school is about 15 minutes away from me so I walk to school. My school isn't so big, there are 300-400 students. Mostly I like school because I can see my friends and my favorite classes are Music, English and German.

The USA fascinates me already for a long time. It's a many sided country with a colorful landscape and many different people. In Europe you always hear about the American Way Of Life and you also hear about the school spirit there and I want to experience all that and want to be a part of it. But there is so much more I could discover and learn about the country so I want to learn about the culture and the traditions of the USA. In an exchange year I could collect so many important experiences for my future life and I want to grow up with my personality and become more open-minded. I would like to meet new people and make friends and I would like to find a second family.

I'm a friendly person who like to help other people and who is a good listener. I'm open for new experience, adaptable and inquisitive.

I'm finishing my letter now and I want to thank you again for giving me the chance to spend a year in the USA, it's a big dream of mine

love greetings


Brief, Amerika, USA, Austausch, Austauschjahr

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