Kurzreferat Englisch 5. Klasse über Schrebergarten?

2 Antworten


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Zur englischen Satzstellung:

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StraßenVerkehrsOrdnung = Subjekt - Verb (= Prädikat) - Objekt:

- grammar-horror.de/grammar/order.php

- englisch-hilfen.de/grammar_list/satz.htm

Von mir hier nur so viel:

Die Satzstellung im Englischen ist in einem einfachen Satz:

S-P/V-O (Subjekt-Prädikat/Verb-Objekt)


I (Subjekt) write (Prädikat/Verb) a letter (Objekt).

Für Sätze mit Zeit und Ortsangabe gilt:

(Zeit) S-P/V-O (Subjekt-Prädikat/Verb-Objekt)-Ort-(Zeit)

Steht die Zeitangabe am Satzanfang, wird sie besonders betont.


Every day (Time) Jill(Subject) reads (Predicate/Verb) a book (Object) in her room (Place) in the evening.

Gibt es in einem Satz 2 Zeitangaben, steht die detailliertere zuerst.

We eat at one o'clock on Monday.

Für längere, komplizierter Sätze mit zusätzlichen adverbialen Bestimmungen (Ort, Zeit usw.) kann man diese Formel wie folgt verlängern:

(Z) - S - P - O – AOZG =

Zeit (kann am Satzanfang stehen) - Subjekt - Prädikat - Objekt - adverbiale Bestimmungen in der Reihenfolge: Art und Weise, Ort, Zeit, Grund (z.B. because).

I (= Subjekt) think you should wear(= Prädikat) this dress (= Objekt) more often (= Art und Weise).

:-) AstridDerPu

PS: Eine beliebte Eselsbrücke - Ort vor Zeit bzw. place before time!

Hello people, I'm taling about our beautiful garden today. Let´s go startet.

Hello, dear class ___ (Klassenname sagen), today i'm talking about our/my beautiful (allotment?) garden. Let's get started (nicht lets go started)

Ich würde dir generell empfehlen, Wörter wie ,,at first..'', ,,next'' etc. einzubauen, damit es nicht so langweilig klingt, also so wie:

My family and I are often in the garden. Our garden is five minutes away from our flat.

At first, I have to say, that my family and i are often in this garden, it's five minutes away from our flat!

If you looking inside, you can see in the middle a big apple tree. The tree is good for climbing. Next to it is a small pond. A pond is a small lake. There are five frogs living in the pond. All frogs have a name and every jear the frogs come back.

If you're looking inside, in the middle you can see a big apple tree. (Bild eventuell zeigen?), this tree is good for climbing and next to it there is a small pond. If you don't know, a pond is a small lake. And there are five frogs living in the pond. All of them frogs have a name, and every year, the frogs come back.

but you can see more animals in the garden, for example: bees, worms and mice.

But you can't see only frogs in my garden, there are more animals.. To list some; bees, worms and mice for example.

There are lots of colorful flowers, fruits and vegetables (for example: carrots, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes). My favorite flowers are sunflowers.

And also, in my garden, there are lots of colorful flowers, fruits and vegetables.

I like to play Basketball or football in our garden.

What do i like to do in our garden? Well, personally, i like to play basketball or football in our garden, often with friends (or my family?)

So ungefähr. Habs bisschen abgeändert oder dir längere Sätze eingebaut, damit es nicht so runtergerattert oder langweilig klingt (:

 19.04.2024, 12:55

Herzlichen Dank! Habe es jetzt nochmals zusammengeschrieben. Passt das dann so?

Danke auch an den Tip mit dem Bild vom Apfelbaum, habe eben eines ausgedruckt.

Hello dear class 5C, today I'm talking about my beautiful garden.

Let´s get startet.

At first, I have to say, that my family and I are often in this garden, it´s five minutes away from our flat.

If you´re looking inside, in the middle you can see a big apple tree.

This tree is good for climbing and next to it there is a small pond. If you don´t know, a pond is a small lake. And there are five frogs living by the pond.

All oft them frogs have a name, and every jear, the frogs come back.

But you can´t see only frogs in my garden, there are more animals. To list some bees, worms and mice for example.

And also, in my garden, there are lots of colorful flowers, fruits and vegetables .

My favorite flowers are sunflowers.

The garden tools and toys are in the shed.

I like to play Basketball or football in our garden, often with friends.

When the sun is shining, we go swimming in the swimming pool. It´s fun!

On the terrace we have a table and chairs. We often have friends over and then eat together.

I love our garden.

That was my talk. Thank you for listening. Have a nice day.