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1 Antwort

date 16.04.2023 (Hier würde ich das englische Datum wählen.)

Save the World!!

Protecting the environment is very important for (BE to) me, and we have to do something for our future if we want to live the same way we do now. Animals are dying because they eat a plastic bag (Hier solllte der Plural stehen.), and this makes me very sad. The environment is in our hands, and we can do everything to save it and try to change our lives.

Many people waste (---) energy and don't think about the environment because they say we can't do anything, but we can. Many people use too much water while showering and don´t turn their laptops of (RS = Rechtschreibung bzw. Wort) standby. People take cars for short distances, buy too much new clothing, and use plastic bags. They don´t buy organic food, only food in plastic bags, and don´t separate their waste. I have some advice for you on how to become a green person and try to save our beautiful planet. Try to shower for only five minutes to save water. Don't use plastic bags; instead, bring your own bag with you. It saves money, and you can use it many times. Buy organic food but that also costs a lot of money. You can grow your own vegetables if you have a garden, or you can go to a farmer's market. You can start with simple things and save our green planet.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert, das Kursivgedruckte überdacht werden. Den Rest kannst du so lassen. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.


 16.04.2023, 23:12

Dankeschön und wie fandest du mein Blog Eintrag ist es langweilig oder eher Spannend , weil ich habe in 3 Tagen eine Schularbeit und passt das eigentlich so ? :))