Ist das gut auf englisch geschrieben? Aufsatz/Präsentation? Könnt ihr mich bitte verbessern wenn etwas nicht richtig geschrieben ist?

1 Antwort

Ich habe deinen Text so umgeschrieben, dass er sich besser anhört. Der Inhalt ist trotzdem gleich.

Hello dear class, today I am presenting to you a presentation on free time activities with the client. Here is my outline: first, I will give you information about my client - general information. Then, I will assess if my client is suitable for the activities. I conducted an interview with Mr. T and I will present you with the questions I asked and his answers. Next, I will ask the class two questions about clients and activities. Then, I will talk about the activities at the zoo and swimming pool. I will show you the location of the zoo and swimming pool. Then, I will outline my activity goals with Mr. T. Afterwards, I will talk about my preparations for the day of the excursion. I will discuss emergency situations and what my client is looking for. I will also have a video for you. Finally, I will present my sources.

Here is a description of my client: he is 1.7 meters tall and weighs 70 kilograms. He likes to wear colorful clothes, including caps, jeans, and sports shoes. Mr. T comes from Romania and speaks good German. According to his parents, Mr. T is too overweight and they don't allow him to eat fast food or drink caffeine. However, they do allow him to eat fast food from McDonald's and pizzerias as long as he does an hour of sports afterwards. Mr. T was in Romania over the Christmas holidays and now weighs 95 kilograms. His parents also said that he should not watch TV unless he is doing sports. Mr. T enjoys sports such as football, swimming, and running in the city.

Are you ready for the activities? Before the activities start, I asked my client if he was motivated. If he said no, I motivated him. I also asked if it was a good day for the activity and if he was physically resilient. Then, I checked that his clothes were suitable for the weather. I also made sure that he had the necessary emergency information.

These are the goals I want to achieve through this activity with Mr. T:

  • promoting physical activity
  • promoting social connections
  • strengthening his confidence

On the day of the excursion, I will make sure that Mr. T has his emergency medication, a cell phone, and enough food and drink.

In emergency situations, there are four rules: call 911, calm the client if they are in panic, provide first aid or find someone who can help, and inform the supervisor and the residential home of NRD.

Woher ich das weiß:Studium / Ausbildung – Ich helfe gerne im Bereich Englisch und Deutsch.