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Today I want to tell you something about London. London is the capital of Great Britain and England. London has a population of 7 Milion people and an area of 1596 square kilometres.

London is one of the famous cities in the world and the biggest city of Europe. The language is English. The colours of the flag are red, blue and white. Over two million people visit London every year. London has 33 parts. The famous city is Greenwich.

London´s climate is generally mild and damp. The weather is generally cloudy and foggy. London has warmer summers than most of the island.

The Queen of England lives in London. Her name is Queen Elizabeth II. She doesn`t live in a house, she lives in a palace call Buckingham Palace. The palace has 660 rooms, a park, a swimming-pool and even a cinema.

Now I tell you about the sights:

In London is a big bell. The name of this is Big Ben. The clock tower has a high of 97 metres. Every hour you can hear it. The sound is deep. You can hear the sound in the BBC radio.

The London Eye is the biggest wheel of Great Britain and you can sit in it and you can see London of another version. It´s 135 metres high.

In London are a lot of bridges.The most famous bridge is the Tower Bridge. On a walk on the bridge you have a very beautiful view. It was built in 1894. The bridge is 30 metres long with towers that rise to a height of 43 Meters.

You can see the Tower of London from the Tower Bridge. A Long time ago it was a prison and today it’s a museum and there are the Crown Jewels. It´s more than 900 years old.

Madame Tussaud`s is a famous wax museum with celebreties of entertainment, sport and politics. It is one of the most popular museums in London. There are figures made out wax look like realpersons. It has over 300 wax Figures.

Thank you for your attention. I hope I could tell you some interesting and worth knowing about London.


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