Englisch Argumentative Essay?

Wie findet ihr diesen Argumentative Essay, ich hab heute die Klassenarbeit zurückbekommen und hab eine 4 bekommen. (9.Klasse)

Die Aufgabe war folgende: Schreibe einen Argumentative Essay über das Thema: "Doing an exchange year in Australia is a great idea". Wir mussten mindestens 3 Argumente dafür, und 3 dagegen finden.

Australia, the continent where the most dangerous animals are living, is very interesting for students who want to do an exchange year in a country where people speak English. The following essay will show argument sfor, and against doing an exchange year in Australia.

At the beginning, we will look at the arguments against the exchange year.

First, in Australia there are lots of dangerous animals, for example snakes, spiders, and others, they can kill you with just a bite, and it could be hard to get the medicin for that.

Furthermore, you could argue you cant visit your family very often, the distance between Australia and Germany is really big, and the tickets for planes are really expensive.

The last argument against the exchange year, is that it might be hard for you to understand the Australian people talking, because of their hard accent.

Lets move on to the arguments for doing an exchange year in Australia.

Firstly, Australia offers a lot when it comes to nature, on the one day you could see a shark swimming in the sea, and on the other, you could be in the desert.

Another argument for doing the exchange year is, that you can learn a lot about other cultures, for example the Aboriginals. You could learn how they lived in the Outback, or about the stolen generations.

Last but not least, you could argue that you would learn the language, if you are doing an exchange year in Australia, because you would speak English all day long.

In my opinion, an exchange year to Australia is a great way to learn English, and a lot about the aboriginals and how the lived there

Englisch lernen, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
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Ich verstehe dieses ganze System leider nicht. Es fühlt sich so an, als würde mir eine Zeitangabe oder so etwas fehlen. Danke für eure Hilfe, und euren Rat! Bitte schreibt nicht zu viel. Am Ende soll es trotzdem irgendwo noch Eigenleistung sein, und nicht reines Abschreiben. Das kenne ich als Antwortgeber sehr gut.

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Übungen, Studium, Schule, Mathematik, Technik, Beschleunigung, Formel, Hausaufgaben, Mechanik

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