
Ich hab diese Mediation geschrieben und wollte fragen, wie ich den verbessern könnte oder ob das so passt:

Hello Stefan,

since you've told me you're looking for a holiday job in London, I've been searching for different work options and came across a quite popular restaurant called "Herman ze German". Firsty, you need to know what the owner's idea of opening this restaurant was and how it came to this restaurant.

As the owners, Falak Shahi and Florian, are of the opinion that German sausages aren't comparable to English ones, their friends have taken the intiative to bring them original sausages made in German. So the couple decided to sell their sausages in local pups so called "sausageweeks". As an upgrade they started to sell their sausages on a music festival which has contributed to high success. In 2010 they opened their first restaurant located in London. Maybe you're wondering why this restaurant did blow up and has attracted so much attention.This is because Germany is very popular in UK and Berlin is seen as a trendy city. But what also plays a big role is German and English people raising awarness of how close we actually are and not as different as they thought to be. Falakshahi and Florian are also playing with cliches and have decorated their restaurants full of cliches. That seems to many clients pretty hilarious and cool. The last thing I want to address is their future objectives. They are dreaming that two or three new restaurants will open within a year and sausages will be offered with their own logo in English grocery stores. I hope this text could inspire you a little on your job search and was interesting to read.

Take care!

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
Writing a Leaflet?


Wie findet ihr diesen Leaflet? Folgende Punkte müssen beantwortet werden:

  • give information about the centre
  • discuss why being there is beneficial for the refugees
  • suggest events to bring the community closer together


Use your time! – Everybody is welcome! (Hauptüberschrift)
Have you ever thought about joining the local youth centre Yolo? Wouldn’t you like to make new friends and have fun while learning new skills? If yes, then we have an exciting opportunity for you.
What is the Yolo local youth centre?
Yolo is a place where young people come together to learn and build a sense of community. We provide various activities that can help you improve your German and social skills, as well as your computer skills. This can ultimately increase your chances of finding a job.
Why Yolo is the best!
Learning German is an essential skill for refugees and migrants living in Germany. Not only in your job, also when you ask for advice. Yolo provides a supportive environment for young refugees to learn and practice German, while also meeting and interacting with other young people in their community.
But guess what: That is not all. The world also gets more and more modern. You learn everything you need to know about computers nowadays at this centre.
Events to bring the community closer together!
At Yolo, we organize several social events every week to bring our community closer together. These events include cultural festivals, sports tournaments, and even swimming trips. One of our most popular events is the weekly football match on Saturdays. It's a great way to get active and have fun with other teenagers.
So what are you waiting for? Join us today by writing to youthcentreyolo@gmail.com .
And if you are feeling overwhelmed, do not hesitate to contact our support.
See you soon!
Englisch lernen, Englisch, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, comment
Englisch Text korrigieren oder umschreiben?

Hallo liebe Community,

ich wollte euch fragen, ob ihr eventuell meinen Englisch Text korrigieren und wenn der Satz generell nicht stimmen sollte, umschreiben könnt? Ich habe versuch in ein leichtes Englisch zu schreiben, weil meine Lehrerin das auch besser bewertet also ein kompliziertes Englisch. Ich würde mich echt freuen wenn ihr mir helfen könnt! :)

Hi Leah,

I came across your blog post about your opinion about Shakespeare's poems. You claim that they are all boring and have strange illusions. Well, I really don't agree with you, but I want to introduce you one of my favourite poems by William Shakespear "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"

Let me summarize this masterpiece for you: The Sonnet starts with a flattering question "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?". William Shakespeare explains that his love is as beautiful as the most beautiful things in the world, such as a summer’s day. In the next line, he rejects this idea immediately. He says that the beauty of summer is fleeting and that it will eventually be replaced by the harshness of winter. However, the speaker also claims that the person’s beauty will be immortalized in the poem, since her beauty will supposedly never fade or die. This special thing about her is what gives her life and it’s a tribute to how couples see their partner as the only one for them.

In my opinion, it is a poem of admiration and adoration, almost certainly the best known piece of Shakespeare’s work. The simplicity and loveliness of this poem is outstanding and one of the main reasons for the poem’s success. The major themes in Sonnet 18 are the timelessness, nature, love, beauty and the death and immortality. I think the main theme is timeless and I specifically like it because it is a deeper theme of immortalization. Lack of time is a theme that has and will affect humans forever and therefore the wish for eternity reflects a universal experience.

Let me know what you think now about this poem. Don't worry, I am not mad if you still defend your opinion but let me know if you have changed your mind! :)

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, Text, Thema, Übersetzung, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, comment

Hallo, könnte sich jemand bitte meinen Text anschauen (vor allem Grammatik). Vorab will ich sagen, dass es um einen Tag in einem Bildungszentrum geht.

When we arrived there on the second day, we had to go to our maintenance groups immediately. On that day, there was another specialist, so we had to introduce ourselves to her. After introducing, we got two sheets of paper. On the first one, there was only an eye and on the second one, there was a whole face. She said we had to paint makeup on both the eye and the face. In my opinion, my pictures were very ugly and it was very difficult for me because I can‘t draw well and I have never worn makeup before. After that, we grabbed our hairdressing heads which still had curlers in their hair and we had to remove them. They needed to be left in their hair overnight so that a volume winding would form. Luckily, it worked! Then we had to create our own hairstyle on our hairdressing head. The specialist said my hairstyle was pretty good. Then we could style and wash each other‘s hair again and X wanted to try  volume winding again as it didn‘t work on the previous day. On that day, it definitely worked better but she had to dry her hair with a hair dryer for about one hour because her hair was still too wet to remove the curlers from her hair. I was so sorry for her. Finally, she did it after one hour and her hair looked gorgeous, so in my opinion it was worth it. In the last 50 minutes, we could wear makeup but of course I didn‘t want, so I observed my classmates again. On the one hand, I think I could work as a hairdresser in future because it‘s interesting what customers tell you while I‘m styling their hair and it‘s also interesting to try out different hairstyles but on the other hand, this job doesn‘t match to me  because I‘m scared of doing mistakes because for example I could cut off a customer‘s hair and I don‘t want to touch stranger‘s hair. 

Englisch lernen, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Rechtschreibung, comment
Was ist eure Meinung zur folgenden Englisch-Klausuraufgabe?

ist die folgende Mediation gelungen?:


So as we are working on a joint project on unequal distribution of income, I have come upon on an interesting article in the "Stern" magazine. The author Walter Wüllenberg states his profound opinion about the class mobility in Germany and how this has changed in the last years. In the following I will point out the main arguments and their argumentation.

Firstly, the author states, that the German inequality of class is not comparable to the American Class inequality, as the German discussion about class was about the under class and their immobility, whereas the US discussion about class was always accomplished by the prolific idea of the American Dream. This shows in the social spendings of Germany too, spending more than half of the income of the estate, incomparable to the US with only a fifth of theirs.

Henceforth, the author states that the class inequality in Germany much rather shows in the not existing middle class than in the poor estate of the under class. While economy has grown hugely in the last decades, the wages have nearly stagnated, showing that economies growth could not bared by society as a whole but only by the rich. Thus, the rich have gotten immensely richer, owning most of the capital of the country, and the rest just held their class. Yet the divide between the classes has grown and their nearly is no in between. This is worth the criticism because the growth of the economy is due to the work of the society as a whole, yet only few bear the fruits of the hard work, being quite unfair.

I hope that this has helped you and that it may have provoked some thoughts considering inequality. I would like to hear from you.


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Englisch lernen, Geschichte, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Analyse, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment

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