Mündliche Englisch Prüfung über die USA

Hallo Leute, würde mich sehr freuen wenn ihr meine Prüfung (neunte Klasse) durchlesen würdet. Wenn ihr Fehler oder falschen Satzbau findet bitte schreiben! :)

Today I want to talk about my favourite Country, the USA. USA means United States of America. They consist of fifty States with Hawaii and Alaska. There live about 300 million people. The Capital City is Washington. There lives the President Barack Obama. He is the first Black President. The biggest Cities are New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.

The most visited Sights in the USA is Disney World, with 48 million visitors a year. The second most visited is Las Vegas with 39 million Tourists. The United States of America has many other beautiful sights like the Empire State Builiding, Golden Gate Bridge, Walk of Fame, the Statue of Liberty and some more. There are also many National Parks for example the Grand Canyon. The National Sports of the USA are American Football, Baseball,Basketball and Hockey. In the USA you can go swimming,fishing,cycling,hore-riding,play tennis,climbing and any more.

Dann hab ich noch ein paar (falsche?!) Sätze die ich gerne noch einbauen würde :

The first man to walk on the moon was American Neil Armstrong.

Englisch is the most commonly spoken language in the USA, followed by Spanish.

The most Trends are coming from the USA. (food,fashion,music and sports)

There are many famous people in the USA . In the USA you pay with Dollars and Cents.

In America there gives a lot of Mountains, Sees and Rivers.

The first people in USA was the Indianer.

The American Flag has Strips and fifty Stars for every State in the USA.

Ich bin leider sehr schlecht darin verschiedene Satzanfänge zufinden. Wenn euch einer einfällt wäre es nett ihn mir zu schreiben. LG Bella :)

Englisch, Schule, Prüfung, Amerika, Hausaufgaben

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