Haltet ihr Sam Parnia's (2022) Consensus Statement für ein Hinweis, dass Nahtoderfahrungen "real" sind?

Sam Parnia ist der führende Nahtodforscher und einer der besten Mediziner weltweit (deutlich weiter, als wir Deutschen es sind). U.a. ist er Medizinprofessor. Er untersucht aufgrund seiner Arbeit am New York State Hospital Menschen, die einen Herzstillstand hatten und kam dadurch auch zur Nahtodforschung. Es sollte bedenkt werden, dass kein anderes Land der Welt so viele Menschen "zurück ins Leben" holen kann, vorallem nicht, nachdem so viel Zeit verstrichen ist. Die USA ist da führend.

Er selbst hat 2022 ein Consensus Statement herausgegeben, in dem er schreibt:

"These survivors have consistently described a unique and specific set of cognitive recollections with seemingly universal themes that includes paradoxical lucidity, consciousness, awareness, and recall. Unlike ICU dreams, delusions, and delirium, or drug-induced hallucinations, these recalled experiences of death follow a specific narrative and are associated with transcendence, ineffability, and positive transformation"

"The accumulating reports of conscious awareness, which are phenomenologically different to CPRIC, have raised several interesting and perplexing questions regarding the nature of human consciousness and its relationship with the brain."

"These include paradoxical lucidity and a heightened sense of consciousness, awareness, and well-structured thought processes, typically without external or visible signs of consciousness. Specifically, a RED (and the classical/authentic NDE) may contain features such as a detailed life review, visual and auditory awareness, and recollection of actual verifiable real events (consistent with external visual awareness (EVA) or so-called classical or authentic out-of-body experience (OBE) as detailed in Tables 1 and 2). These features make them inconsistent with hallucinations,12 illusions,13,14 delusions,15 or conventional dreams16,17 that also occur in the context of ICU survival and PICS (see File S2, online only). This experience is further linked with ineffability, positive changes (...)"

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