The Circle (Buch) zusammenfassung?

Kann mir jemand zusammenfassen um was es in diesem Abschnitt geht ? (Quelle: Buch , The Circle)

He put his cup on the table next to him and rested his hands on his lap, his palms in a gentle embrace."So in general, would you say you behave differently when you know you´re being watched?"

"Sure of course" 


"And when there will be a historical record.That is, when or if your behavior will be permanently accessible.That a video of your behavior, for example, will exist forever."


"Good. And do you remember my talk from earlier in the summer, about the ultimate goal of SeeChange?"

"I know it would eliminate most crime , if there was full saturation."

Balley seemed pleased "Right. Correct . Every citizens, like Gary Katz and Walt Lefebure in this instance, because they look the time to set up their cameras, they help keep us all safe. The crime was minor in this case, and there were no victims, thank god. You´re alive. Marion´s busines, and the kayaking industry generally, lives to see another day. But one night of selffshness from you could have risked it all. The individual act has reiverberations that can be nearly endless.Do you agree?"

"I do, I know. And here Mae again had the feeling that she was a very short sighted person,who jeopardized all she´d been given by the Circle.

"Mr. Bailey, I can´t believe I did this. And I know you´re wondering if I fit in here. I just want you to know how much I value my position here and your faith in me. And I want to honor tha. I´ll do anything to make this up to you Seriously, I´ll take on any extra work, I´ll do anything, Just tell me"

Bailey´s face broke into a highly amused grin."Mae, your job isn´t in jeopardy . You´re here for good Annie´s here for good.Sorry if you belieed otherwisen,for even a second. We don´t want either of you to ever leave."

"That´s very good to hear .Thank you," Mae said, though her heart was hammering harder now.He smiled, nodding, as if happy an relieved to have all that settled."But this whole episode gives us a very important teachabble moment, don´t you think?" The question seemed rhetorical, but Mae nodded anyway " Mae,"he said"when is a secret a good thig?"

Englisch, Buch, Schule, Zusammenfassung

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