Locker 160 Summary

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The short story 'Locker 160', written by Lee Busselman deals with two girls called Karen and Julie who bully their classmate Miriam by playing tricks on her. Karen gets the idea of putting a hate note in someones locker. The other gir, Julie agrees. They coose the locker of their classmate Miriam. Both of them do not like her, because in their opinion she is just different. When they want to put the note into the locker, none of the girls want to do it themselves. Karen takes the paper anyway, put it in the locker nervously and walkes away with a pleasant feeling of relief. Then they watch Miriam's reaction, her face turns red, and both of the girls have to laugh. The next days they play other tricks on her. Karen and Julie put a plastic bag of marbles in Miriam's locker, which were clattering down the hallway, they make a voodoo doll of Miriam with a hug pin it's head and they also write a petition, which declaires that Meriam is weird and hated by all of her classmates. Below this note they copy the signatures of their classmates from a real petition. For Julie and Karen all this tricks are just funny. Later while they are waiting for Miriam's raction to their last trick, in biology class, they ask themselves, why she would not come to school. At the end of the lesson they find out that Miriam tried to commit suicide, but for them this is just funny and they do not even feel guilty.

Englisch, summary, Zusammenfassung, Short story

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