Englischer Kurztext - "Caribbean London"

Hello English freaks :D Ich habe einen kleinen Text über "Caribbean London" vorbereitet. Über Feedback, Kritik und Korrekturen würde ich mich freuen :)

There are many British citizens who have their own countries belonging to the Commonwealth. Black people maily came from the Caribbean. Afro-Caribbeans are slaves from Africa who were transported to the Caribbean by British ships. In 1807, Britain stopped the slave trade.

London has been completely changed by the Caribbean people. They have influenced the social, economic and cultural life in London.

After the World War II, the British economy needed workers.The Caribbeans settled to London in larger numbers in the late 1940s to rebuild a post-war nation in London, they came with passion and excitement. But they had to face a different Britian and were very disappointed; Founding a home was not that easy. The rooms were often in bad condition and the rents were high. They had to do work with low wages that nobody else wanted to do. Police protection was not adequate so they had to deal with physical and verbal abuse.

Thus they developed selg-help organisations. Later, they created their own first Black newspaper "The voice".

They achieved their own buisness in London, running their own shops, restaurant or nightclubs. Others have achieved high postions in public life. The strength of the Caribbean peopel can be felt everywhere in London.

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