Englisch: Blog Post korrigieren?

Das war meine Aufgabe:

Und folgendes habe ich geschrieben (280 Wörter) Ich habe einfach ein Museum erfunden, könnt ihr mir meinen text ausbessern? passt auch meine beschreibung zu den bildern? :)

From: EdaK3

Subject: A visit to the Newcast Museum

Hey Bloggers!

Did I ever mention that I never visit a museum in my life? Well, now I have and I really want to share some exhibits of the Newcast Museum with you guys! I know that you will ask why some stupid museum exhibits and not about an interesting topic? Well, I really want to be more creative on my blogs and I was just thinking that I could change my blog posts a little and try something new.

Let’s just start with the first exhibit: A slice of a pizza with body parts! I know, sounds weird but I was impressed about the colours which the picture had. It was painted very dull and also from the shading. I really like drawings with dark colours.

The second picture was also stunning: A Mona Lisa painting! The colours were exactly the same but what stood out the most, was the appearance of the exhibit. Her face is just a mask and therefore it shows her head skeleton which it looks much creepier and that reminded me of Halloween, which is also soon!

Lastly, I want to introduce you two more: A urinal exhibit and a tie exhibit that has been very accurately placed on a map. Both of them give me the same vibes, they look real and inspiring. They would brighten up my room if I had own them.

Maybe some of you guys find this kind of blog post strange but I really recommend you to go to the Newcast museum. Your interest of art would grow and it is really fun to look at works of art that are not common. I would appreciate your comments.

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Arbeit, Englisch, Deutsch, Blog, Schule, Mathematik, Sprache, Aufgabe, Museum
Englisch: Blog post about teenagers and tattoos?

Hallo! Ich habe jetzt zum ersten Mal einen Blog Post geschrieben und ich wollte fragen, ob mir jemand meinen Text verbessern kann :) Könnt ihr mir dann auch sagen, ob der Aufbau eh so richtig ist und vor allem der Schluss: Muss ich mich da verabschieden oder passt das eh so, wenn ich das so hingeschrieben habe:

Hey Bloggers!

How long has it been since we finally talked about a new topic? Well, it is time to do that, right? So, let’s talk about Teenagers and Tattoos! You guys know the rules: I will start with my opinion and my experiences with Tattoos at a young age. Certainly, I will also give you guys some advice by examples I will mention later.

First of all in a general way: Tattoos are a major topic at these days especially in our society. In my opinion, some teenagers want to show rebellion, but other want to imitate their friend. They just think about how they look like and if they are cool. But I think that teenagers do not know about the consequences there might be.  

For example: If you want to work later, it will maybe be hard for young people, who want to find a job later. Some bosses don't want people who wears tattoos because they do not like it or the look don't fit in the kind of job. Maybe you want to work as a businessman, you have good grades and you get interviewed, but they rejected you because of your tattoos.

I am honest: I do not have any experiences with tattoos but just think smart about the consequences later and also be aware of them. I do not like tattoos either but if some teenagers enjoy having tattoos, I accept their choice.

Now, you guys are asked: What do you think about Tattoos for young people? Do you have tattoos? Let me hear your thoughts in the comments! 😊

Englisch, Deutsch, Blog, Schule, Sprache, Tattoo, Irezumi
Is it important to have a role model (Blog)?

Hallo, könnte mir jemand Tipps geben oder meinen Blog korrigieren? Danke.

For me a Role Model doesn't have to be a hero or a singer, a Role Model can be a family member or even your best friend, but not everyone has a role model.

I don‘t really have a role model, just because i don‘t like to compare myself with someone else or be someone else..

The problem is that in today's society it's not easy to tell if a person is a role model or not.

Almost all influencers are fake, they just want the money they get, and many teenagers don't see that.

Zach Hanf, a 18 year old boy lost his leg, because of a car accident.

He was driving on Rt. 13 in Perry Country with his girlfriend and drifted left of the center and crashed into a refrigerated box truck.

At this moment his life changed!

Hanf wanted to be a trauma surgeon, but because of his accident it‘s not that easy anymore.

But the boy believes in his dream and is ambitious and continues to try to achieve his goal.

I think he is a real role model, despite his accident just to continue as if it had not been happen, is incredible.

So the question is, is it important to have a role model?

The answer is yes, for example Zach Hanf is a strong and confident boy, who lost his leg, but did not change his plans.

Teenager should do the same, if something bad happens, they should still try to reach their goals.

A role model in your life is always a good idea to inspire yourself 

and you get to learn from their mistakes.

All together you will be the best of yourself!

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Englisch, Blog, Schule, englische Grammatik

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