Kann jmd für mich meine Argumentationstext in ENGLISH kontrollieren?

26.09.2022, 19:40

Hier noch als Getippt:

Many Australians are thinking that they don’t need to learn foreign languages. But is it a good idea? You will find the answers in my text. So read on, because I will show you arguments that are against this statement.

I would first like to look at a reason why Australians don’t need to learn foreign languages. The important argument is that you can’t learn languages alone. You need a language class who will help you. But the problem is that this is too expensive.

After looking at the side why Australians don’t need to learn any languages, we can start with the side why Australians need to learn foreign languages. One argument is that they will have many friends in other countries. For example if they need help and they speak a foreign language, they then they can ask for somebody’s help, who don’t live in Australia.

Another argument against is, that not everyone can understand Australian accent. This is clear, because, if you ask anyone with Australian’s accent and he/she don’t understand you, then you can easily ask him in any language.

The strongest argument against is, that with any foreign languages, you will have a chance to get a good job, because in many countries is paying for the job more bigger than in Australia.

Many Australians are scared from the cost of the language classes, but if you get after that a good job, you will get more money, than what you paid for. Personally I believe that every people need to know at least one foreign language. That will help you in your life and in your jobs.

P.S Die Aufgabe war zu der Aussage: “Australians do not need to learn foreign languages” Dazu sollten wir ne Argumentation schreiben.

m00nkuh  26.09.2022, 19:00

Könntest du das etwas größer hochladen? mit zoom is das scho etwas schwierig

 26.09.2022, 19:10

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2 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Many Australians are thinking (Grammatik) that they don’t need to learn foreign languages. But is it a good idea? You will find the answers in my text. So read on, because I will show you arguments that are against this statement.

I would first like to look at a reason why Australians don’t need to learn foreign languages. The (Ich würde hier most einfügen.) important argument is that you can’t learn languages alone (Ich bevorzuge on your own.). You need a language class who (Grammatik) will help you (Formulierung). But the problem is that this is too expensive.

After looking at the side why Australians don’t need to learn any languages, we can start with the side why Australians need to learn foreign languages. One argument is that they will have many friends in other countries. For example (Komma) if they (Wer?)  need help and they speak a foreign language, (---) they can ask for somebody’s help, who don’t (Grammatik) live in Australia.

Another argument against is (kein Komma) that not everyone can understand (Hier fehlt ein Wort.) Australian accent. This is clear (Was ist klar?), because, if you ask anyone with Australian’s accent and he/she don’t (Grammatik)  understand you, (then – optional) you can easily ask him (Grammatik) in any language.

The strongest argument against is (kein Komma)  that with any foreign languages (Grammatik), you will have a chance to get a good job, because in many countries is paying (Grammatik) for the job more bigger (Wort) than in Australia. – Satzstellung, Formulierung

Many Australians are scared from (Wort) the cost of the language classes, but if you get after that a good job (Satzstellung), you will get more money, than what you paid for (Wofür?). Personally (Komma) I believe that every people (Wort, Grammatik) need to know at least one foreign language. That will help you in your life and in your jobs.

Kurzformen wie (he's, I'm, don't usw.) werden vorwiegend im gesprochenen Englisch verwendet. In der Schriftsprache - zumindest in formellen Schreiben - sollte man solche Kurzformen vermeiden.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert, das Kursivgedruckte überdacht werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.com,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de - und Finger weg vom Google Übelsetzer und seinen tr.tteligen Kollegen!

:-) AstridDerPu

 26.09.2022, 19:42

Dankeschön!!! 🤩❤️

Den ersten Absatz kannst du so lassen, beim zweiten würde ich anfangen mit:

First I would like to look for the reason...

You need a language class which...

Dritter Absatz:

After looking at this perspective, I will tell you why Australians...

The first argument is...

If they need help and need a foreign language, they can ask for the help of someone who doesn't live in Australian.

Vierter Absatz:

Another argument against this opinion is...

So if they would know another language and if they need to ask a question, they could ask a person who doesn't understand Australian accent, in that language.

Fünfter Absatz:

But if you get a good job after that, you will get more money...

I believe that every person...

Hoffe das hilft. Ich hab jetzt nicht groß auf den Inhalt geachtet und hab versucht die Sätze einfach nur grammatikalisch zu berichtigen. Einen Satz habe ich komplett geändert, hoffe das stört nicht.

 26.09.2022, 19:22
