Kann mir jemand diesen Spruch auf Englisch übersetzten bitte?

6 Antworten

Two people who belong together may not go the same way for a while but they'll always go the same direction and find their way back to each other.

Two people who belong together may for short don't walk down the same path, but they'll always go in the same direction and find one another again.

Hoffe es ist richtig :d

Two People, who are going together, are sometimes going other ways, but they always find together again.

earnest  24.11.2015, 07:14

Das Progressive ist hier fehl am Platz. Dein Satz ist leider direkt aus dem Deutschen "übersetzt".


2 people that belong together may not go the same way for a little while , but they will always go into the same direction and in the end find themselves again

nicki419  23.11.2015, 22:10

warum!? wieso!?


Ich wette das wird so ein "cooler" Status spruch.. xD