About my self, Englisch Prüfung

7 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Good morning ...

My name is Rohan... and i would like to talk a little bit about my self. I was born in Hamburg on ... so I am 16 years old. I am a friendly an polite person. I went to the primary school ... and since 2010 I attent the ... I am in class 10b and my class teacher is ... and the stundents in my class are all friendly and different. My favorite (= AE; BE = favourite) subjekts are physiks, chemistry and biology. I dont like art (kein Komma) because it just makes me no fun. In my freetime (Komma) I meet friends, do sports and watch Anime. I speak German, Hindi my mothertounge (RS) (Word Order) and a little (---) English. My favorite (s.o.) movie is Shutter Island and my favorite (s.o.) colours are black and green.

Now I will talk about my familie and in the end about my future plans

I have two brothers one junger and

one older

The (besser: Possessive Pronoun) older brother ist 21 years old and does bis highschool graduation here in the school

My junger brother is also here in the school in the 5 class, he is 11 years old. My father is 48 Years old and his profession is salespeeson and has his own asia shop

My mother visit (Wort + Grammatik) a german course and she is a realley good cook. She dont know when she was born (kein Komma) because she grew up in Kabul (Komma) and in Kabul nobody cares of the date and she also dosent have a zertifaktion of birth. My parents an they families cames to Germany (kein Komma) because of the war and the Tahliban so that they cant live there.

And (kein Satzanfang) my future plans: I will (= werden, nicht wollen) do my highschool gradiation and if I was good enough, I will (s.o.) study and if it not possible to study, I will search a training course in a bank or something like that. Ortherwise i would like to travel around the world.

- Am Satzende steht ein Punkt.

- Das englische Personalpronomen für ich = I schreibt man im Englischen immer groß, egal ob am Satzanfang, in der Satzmitte oder am Satzende.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.com,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de.


AstridDerPu  16.05.2015, 13:08

Schön, dass dir meine Antwort gefallen hat und danke für das Sternchen!



Ich habe die Schreibfehler mal korrigiert und den Satzbau. Du solltest vielleicht noch reinschreiben welches Fach du gern studieren wuerdest. Z.B. I would like to study physics.

Good morning ... My name is Rohan... and i would like to talk a little bit about myself. I was born in Hamburg on ... so I am 16 years old. I am a friendly an polite person. I went to the primary school ... and since 2010 I attend the ... I am in class 10b and my class teacher is ... . The students in my class are all friendly and different. My favourite subjects are physics, chemistry and biology. My least favourite subject is art, because I just don't enjoy it. In my free time I meet friends, do sports and watch Anime. I speak German, my mothertounge Hindi and a little bit of English. My favorite movie is Shutter Island and my favorite colours are black and green.

Now I will talk about my family and about my future plans.

I have two brothers. One is younger and one older than me and both of them attend the same school as I do. The older brother ist 21 years old. He will soon graduate from highschool. My younger brother is 11 years old and in the 5th class. My father is a 48 years old merchant. He owns an asia shop. My mother is  following a german course. She is a really good cook. She does not know when she was born, because she grew up in Kabul. In Kabul nobody registers birthdates. That is why she does not have a birth certificate. My parents and their families came to Germany, because of the war in Afghanistan and the Taliban, so that they can live there.

My future plans are: First I'll graduate from highschool and if I am good enough, I would like to study. If I cannot study, I will search a training course in a bank or something like that. Otherwise i would like to travel around the world.

 09.05.2015, 12:11

Ein echtes dankeschön von mir, du bist mir eine riesen Hilfe :))))


Das ist gut !!! Aber ich würde es nochmal üben und die Zeit stoppen , ich denke aber das passt so . Viel Glück

weiblichund13  09.05.2015, 16:42

Aber sie muss es ja mündlich sagen , dann passt es

adabei  09.05.2015, 11:39

Der Text enthält aber schon einige wirklich gravierende Grammatikfehler und Germanismen - von der Rechtschreibung einmal abgesehen.


Du kannst nicht sagen, " and if I WAS Good enough..." da "was" die Vergangenheit Form ist, und du ja über deine Zukunft redest:)

Ich würde statt " I Want to Talk about myself " " I would like to present myself" sagen, klingt schöner 😊