Kann jemand meinen kurzen Englisch Text überfliegen und nach Fehlern suchen?

2 Antworten

The main character of (Präposition) the short story „The swim team“ written by Miranda July in 2007, is named (Wort) Maria, (---) 22 years old and lives alone in Belvedere, a small city, which is free from (Präposition) swimming pools. There is only a gas station and a market in Belvedere.
She would like to move, but she don’t  (Grammatik; Kurzformen sollten in der Schriftsprache nicht verwendet werden.) have enough money (she don’t (s.o.) have a car or phone as well (Ausdruck)) and she don’t (s.o.) like to ask his (Possesive Pronomen) parents, although she write (Grammatik) every week to them (Satzstellung). Her life is very boring (line 9-11)  (kein Komma) because she have nothing (Grammatik) to do and no friends until she listens to a talk (Wort) of three 80-years-old (---) persons (Wort, kein Komma) called Elizabeth, Kelda and Jack Jack, who can’t (keine Kurzformen) swim but they want to. So she suggests to teach them (Präposition) swimming (kein Komma) because she learned  (was?) in High School, and later she gives (Wort) „swimming lessons“ to them twice a week in her living room with bowls of water and a kitchen floor (Satzstellung). At the beginning of the story (Komma) Maria is a little bit shy, she don’t  (Grammatik, keine Kurzformen) like to speak with other people and starts to be exited (RS). (line 35-37) But at the end of the story (Komma) Maria is a strong and purposeful coach, who dares to talk and to say (Wort, wem?) what to do. (line 97-98) These swim (Wort) lessons gives (Wort, Grammatik) Maria something to do and she miss (Grammatik) the lessons later.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.com,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de.

:-) AstridDerPu

AstridDerPu  23.09.2015, 17:04

Wenn das eine Summary sein soll:

Summaries werden in der Regel im Present geschrieben. Handlungen aus der Vergangenheit können aber durchaus auch im Past Simple und Present Perfect stehen.

- The summary is usually written in the present tense.

- But past events may be reported in the past, future events may be reported in the future.

- Statements or questions which were made in the past may be reported in the past tense or the past perfect.

- Statements and questions which were made in the past but concern the future may be reported in the conditional

(Quelle: kfmaas.de/summary0.html)

Für die Anwendung der anderen Zeiten im Summary gelten dieselben Regeln und Signalwörter wie in anderen Texten.

Die Zusammenfassung eines Sachtextes, der sich mit Geschichte befasst, steht im Simple Past, denn es handelt sich um in der Vergangenheit abgeschlossene Handlungen.

In eine Summary gehören nicht:

- Progressive / Continuous Tense

- Wörtliche Rede

- Zitate aus dem Originaltext

- Eigene Meinung, Gedanken und Kommentare

- Stellungnahme

- Schlusssatz

- Erzählerische Elemente, z.B. suddenly, unfortunately, at long last …

Zur Länge gibt es keine Vorgaben, man sagt über den Daumen gepeilt 1/5 des Originaltextes.

Tipps und Wendungen zu englischen Summaries findest du unter folgendem Link:ego4u.de/de/cram-up/writing/summary

Beispiele und Übungen findest du, wenn du bei Google - sample summaries oder exercises English summary eingibst.

 23.09.2015, 17:26

Oh mein Gott, Danke! Dich zeichne ich auf jeden Fall als beste Antwort aus...

Wenn du Lust hast kannst du ja das jetzt hoffentlich von mir verbessert nochmal überfliegen. (Kriegst natürlich auch wenn nicht "hilfreichste Antwort" !)

The main character from the short story „The swim team“ written by Miranda July in 2007, is „Maria“, 22 years old and lives alone in Belvedere, a small city, which is free of swimming pools. There is only a gas station and a market in Belvedere.
She would like to move, but she do not have enough money (she do not have a car or phone as well) and she do not like to ask her parents, although she writes e to them very week. Her life is very boring (line 9-11) because she has nothing to do until she listens to a conversation of three 80-years-old-people called Elizabeth, Kelda and Jack Jack, who can not swim but they want to. So she suggests to teach them in swimming because she learned to swim in High School, and later she gives „swimming lessons“ to them in her living room with bowls of water and a kitchen floor twice a week. „Maria“ is very patient, because she takes a lot of time to teach Kelda how to put her face in the water. (line 82-87) At the beginning of the story, Maria is a little bit shy, she does not like to speak with other people and starts to be excited and nervous. (line 35-37) But during the trainings Maria needs to talk constantly. And at the end of the story, Maria is a strong and purposeful coach, who dares to talk and to say what to do. (line 97-98) These swimming lessons gives Maria something to do and she misses the lessons later. (line 103-110)


Mh, meine eglischlehrerin sagt immer das wir die Verneinungen ausschreiben sollen, wie zb statt can't can not, das macht nen besseren eindruck 😊

 23.09.2015, 16:52

Dankeschön :)

Geht das als kleine Charakterisierung durch oder ist das mehr eine Inhaltsangabe?

tabietoast  23.09.2015, 17:16

mhh ich denke mal von beidem etwas 😊