Englisch: Blog post about teenagers and tattoos?

Hallo! Ich habe jetzt zum ersten Mal einen Blog Post geschrieben und ich wollte fragen, ob mir jemand meinen Text verbessern kann :) Könnt ihr mir dann auch sagen, ob der Aufbau eh so richtig ist und vor allem der Schluss: Muss ich mich da verabschieden oder passt das eh so, wenn ich das so hingeschrieben habe:

Hey Bloggers!

How long has it been since we finally talked about a new topic? Well, it is time to do that, right? So, let’s talk about Teenagers and Tattoos! You guys know the rules: I will start with my opinion and my experiences with Tattoos at a young age. Certainly, I will also give you guys some advice by examples I will mention later.

First of all in a general way: Tattoos are a major topic at these days especially in our society. In my opinion, some teenagers want to show rebellion, but other want to imitate their friend. They just think about how they look like and if they are cool. But I think that teenagers do not know about the consequences there might be.  

For example: If you want to work later, it will maybe be hard for young people, who want to find a job later. Some bosses don't want people who wears tattoos because they do not like it or the look don't fit in the kind of job. Maybe you want to work as a businessman, you have good grades and you get interviewed, but they rejected you because of your tattoos.

I am honest: I do not have any experiences with tattoos but just think smart about the consequences later and also be aware of them. I do not like tattoos either but if some teenagers enjoy having tattoos, I accept their choice.

Now, you guys are asked: What do you think about Tattoos for young people? Do you have tattoos? Let me hear your thoughts in the comments! 😊

Englisch, Deutsch, Blog, Schule, Sprache, Tattoo, Irezumi

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