Ich schreibe morgen Schularbeit und würde eine Korrektur sowie Tipps zu diesem Text benötigen? Angabe ist als Bild dabei!?

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing with regard to your job offer which I saw online. In less than a month my school holiday are going to start and I am looking for a program to spend my time and to get new experiences. I have seen your online advertisement and now I have few questions about it.

At first I think volunteer work is very important for us because I think we should do more for each other for free. It is really frightening that some people do not do some jobs without money. I think we will get a better world when we do more volunteer work and help each other. I think when you help other people for free they also would help you back for free when you need help.

As already mentioned I have a thew questions about your volunteer work. You said that your projects lasts only one or two days but I would do longer ones are there any longer projects? Furthermore I would ask for more details about your wide range of projects and locations. Can you give me please some examples of locations? You also write about a break for lunch. I would ask if there is a lunch provided or if I should bring my own lunch? My last questions is about your last point. You said that there are no admin fees but are there any other costs what I should know about?

I would like to thank you in advance for this informations and I would also be very grateful if you could reply as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,


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