Hab ich Mediation über "American Dream" richtig gemacht?


ich brauch unbedingt Hilfe, und zwar musste ich eine Mediation vom deutschen ins englischen schreiben, über diesen Artikel:


Die Mediation soll eine Rede vor amerikanischen Studenten sein. Bei einer Mediation muss man ja auch "verharmlosen" und ich weiß nicht so Recht ob ich das richtig gemacht habe und ob ich allgemein alles beachtet habe was man bei einer mediation beachten soll...ich wäre auch sehr dankbar darüber wenn auch auf grammatikalische Fehler hingewiesen wird!! :D Ich bin für jede Hilfe sehr dankbar :D Vielen vielen Dank schon mal :)))

Dear fellow students, I want to talk about the American Dream and wheter the American Dream is still alive. For my presentation I used the articel "Dream America" by Carolin Emcke, which is published on the 24th of october 2012 in "Die Zeit", a well-regarded German news-paper.

The Americans believe, that everyone can reach something on his own. This belief exists for a long time and because of that, it seems like the American Dream exists from the beginning of the world. The idea behind the American Dream is, that everyone, no matter which origins, religion, have the same opportunity to achieve success. This is why the United States called "the country with unlimited opportunities". But nowhere you can find the inventor of the American Dream. In the Charta from 1176, where the Americans declared themselves indepentent of Britain, you can find the terms freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But the term "American Dream" is not named. The first one, who defined the American identity as a dream, was John Truslow Adams. He wrote a book, in which he gives people hope for achieving success, if they work hard. He defines the American Dream not only as a material success. The American Dream includes also the acceptance in the society and self-awarness. But will the American Dream survive the financial crisis? And do the unemployed still stand fast the American Dream? Or is the American Dream just a dream? Adams writes in his book, that the Americans achieved the American Dream with the Westward Movement, with the independence of the Americans and with hard work. There are still Americans, who believes the formula: "from rags to riches." Thank you for listining.

Englisch, Amerika, Abitur, englische Grammatik, mediation, American Dream

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