was braucht man fürs Fbi?

2 Antworten

You have to be awesome in english and in general show a deep interest into the history of the United States. Furthermore you should have a good ABI as well as some decent quallifications for the job you are seeking. As a non american, it will be pretty difficult but not impossible. And no worries: as long as your general physical condition is above average, and you are not a dwarf you should be fine.

 15.04.2016, 17:41

Don´t worry,I was always the best in english ,ok this sounds so braggy. I know that it is very difficult but i already have a plan how i´m going to go to america and how i get the american citizenship. I´m glad that i don´t have to be a colossus to go to the Fbi because im just 1,56cm tall and thanks for the answer :)

Sweetgnome  15.04.2016, 17:30

I believe there was a restriction of 1.70m, not quite sure. OP should go ahead and check the official website.