Warum der 11.September?

6 Antworten

Nein. Entgegen vieler Spekulation und Behauptungen, wobei diese noch am logischsten erschien:

Despite the widely circulated myth that al Qaeda selected the date 9/11 for its similarity to the emergency call number 9-1-1, the date was important to the terrorist network because of its relationship with Islam. As Lawrence Wright wrote in his Pulitzer Prize-winning book  The Looming Tower, on Sept. 11, 1683, the King of Poland launched the battle that turned back the advance of Muslim armies. "For the next three hundred years, Islam would be overshadowed by the growth of Western Christian societies," Wright explained. Osama bin Laden saw the attack on the World Trade Center as Islam’s big comeback. The date has since been used by other terrorists, including the jihadists who struck the U.S. compound in Benghazi, killing U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans last year.


I now think I can provide a more persuasive explanation, however. It was on September 11 1683 that the conquering armies of Islam were met, held, and thrown back at the gates of Vienna.
Now this, of course, is not a date that has only obscure or sectarian significance. It can rightly, if tritely, be called a hinge-event in human history. The Ottoman empire never recovered from the defeat; from then on it was more likely that Christian or western powers would dominate the Muslim world than the other way around. In our culture, the episode is often forgotten or downplayed, except by Catholic propagandists like Hilaire Belloc and GK Chesterton. But in the Islamic world, and especially among the extremists, it is remembered as a humiliation in itself and a prelude to later ones. (The forces of the Islamic Jihad in Gaza once published a statement saying that they could not be satisfied until all of Spanish Andalusia had been restored to the faithful as well.)


gab es keinen speziellen nachweisbaren Zusammenhang, denn (aus folgenden Gründen, die ich in Fett markiert habe):

There was no announcement by the terrorists after 9/11 using that name nor taking ownership for the events ( check me on that). The name "9/11", and the significance of the date, was given by the US media after the fact, something the terrorists could not have likely predicted. It doesn't follow the pattern of any of the previous big attacks on the US. We don't refer to the USS Cole bombing as  10/12, Pearl Harbor as  12/7, nor Oklahoma City as  4/19. Following that pattern, 9/11 should have been referred to as "Twin Towers" or "WTC" or something after the location, not the date.
If 9/11 was chosen to have special meaning, it wasn't likely to be related to 911. As pointed out on Skeptics,   the rest of the world writes the date as 11/9. Furthermore, in the Islamic Calendar,  Sept 11, 2001 was Tuesday 23 Jumaada al-THaany 1422 A.H.  or 6/23 (or 23/6).
Martin Gardner uses the  example of finding "fiveness" in the Washington Monument to show you can find significance in any numbers (Numerology) if you look hard enough.  Here's a list of what's special about the first 10,000 numbers (mostly mathematical). Similarly, you can find  something interesting about every day of the calendar year. Throw in  Bible and  Qur'an references for good measure, feel free to pick from any book/chapter. Use 9:11 or 11:9 or 911 or 119 or 9.11 or 11.9.
In order to coordinate the attacks they had to pick a date. That was likely an operational consideration. Given how difficult it was to coordinate the attacks, and  they wanted it to be even bigger, adding in the extra complication of an arbitrary deadline seems an amateurish complication. Then again, I've worked on some business projects which did just that.


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No it wasn't, While the terrorists used the Gregorian calender to communicate the date of the attack, they used it in its form known throughout the rest of the world: dd/mm/yyyy and not the American form mm/dd/yyyy. So that it forms the 11/9 and not 9/11. Here is how Mohamed Atta transmitted the date of the attack to the operatives ( source ):
As the Saudis were arriving in the U.S. in July, Atta was taking off, flying into Madrid and driving 500 miles to a Spanish coastal resort for a working vacation. Joining him was Ramzi Binalshibh with a message from Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. The final date for the operation was in Atta's hands. Atta had Shaikh Mohammed's complete trust.
Then, on Aug. 29, the phone rang in Binalshibh's Hamburg apartment at three in the morning.
It was Atta with an important, but cryptic message: "He said to me, 'One of my friends related a riddle to me and I cannot solve it, and I called you so that you can solve it for me.'" Binalshibh is heard saying.
Atta goes,  "Two sticks, a dash and a cake with a stick down."
Binalshibh said, "I said to him, 'Is this the riddle? You wake me from a deep sleep to tell me this riddle? Two sticks and I do not know what?'"
Eventually, Yosri Fouda says, Binalshibh realized what Atta meant. So he says to him, "OK. Tell your friend, he has nothing to worry about. It's such a sweet riddle."
Binalshibh explained it: "The two sticks represent the number 11, then the dash, and then the cake from which a stick dangles represents number nine. Thus, the picture becomes complete: the 11th of September."
Binalshibh left Hamburg on Wednesday, Sept. 5, for Pakistan. From there, he sent a messenger into Afghanistan with news for Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Osama bin Laden: Tuesday, Sept. 11, would be the day.


PS: Der ursprüngliche (zum Glück nicht umgesetzte) Plan war viel extensiver und komplizierter, wäre also nicht an einem Tag alleine ausgeführt worden


Ja. Am 11. September 1683 wurde die Belagerung von Wien gebrochen. Dies war der Höhepunkt Islamischer Expansion nach Europa hinein. Danach ging es mit dem Islam bergab. Es ist wohl sehr wahrscheinlich, dass bin Laden dieses Datum gewählt hat, um zu signalisieren, dass der Niedergang des Islam vorbei ist und die Jihadisten zurück sind. (Meines Wissens ging die Zweite Wiener Türkenbelagerung allerdings insgesamt bis zum 12. September, jedoch assoziiert man den 11. September hiermit.)

Möglicherweise war es Zufall. Möglicherweise geht das Datum auch auf Sure 9 Vers 111 zurück:

Allah hat von den Gläubigen ihre eigene Person und ihren Besitz dafür erkauft, daß ihnen der (Paradies)garten gehört: Sie kämpfen auf Allahs Weg, und so töten sie und werden getötet. (Das ist) ein für Ihn bindendes Versprechen in Wahrheit in der Thora, dem Evangelium und dem Qurʾān. Und wer ist treuer in (der Einhaltung) seiner Abmachung als Allah? So freut euch über das Kaufgeschäft, das ihr abgeschlossen habt, denn das ist der großartige Erfolg!

(Quelle hier)

Das würde der amerikanischen Schreibweise 9/11 entsprechen.

Woher ich das weiß:Hobby – Beobachte politische Entwicklungen seit meiner Jugend.

VortexDani  06.11.2020, 01:36

Die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist allerdings äußerst gering, da die Planer nicht mit der amerikanischen Schreibweise des Datums kommunizierten und ursprünglich eine frühere und extensivere Operation angesetzt war

VortexDani  06.11.2020, 23:03

Ja, wäre zumindest eine plausiblere als so manch andere. Die mit dem historischen Datum der zweiten Belagerung Wiens 1683 als Wendepunkt des islamischen Einflusses in Europa war auch noch eine Theorie.

VortexDani  06.11.2020, 23:07

Ich persönlich dachte auch längere Zeit, dass damit eventuell die Notrufnummer als für den US-Raum passende Verbindung gewählt wurde, aber dann fiel mir auf, dass die Akteure ja keinen Einfluss darauf hatten, wie das Ereignis genannt werden würde - und die Benennung vorheriger vergleichbaren Ausmaßes ganz und gar nicht dafür sprach. Viel später stieß ich dann drauf, dass sie sich auch gar nicht an die amerikanische Reihenfolge hielten.


Ich glaube nicht, dass diese Subjekte ein Bewusstsein besitzen.

Nein, das glaube ich nicht. Sie haben losgeschlagen, als alles vorbereitet war.

Woher ich das weiß:eigene Erfahrung