Wahrscheinlichkeit bei Magic the Gathering?

1 Antwort

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

You need hypergeometric distribution for this. I don't know enough to explain it, though. Luckily, in the age of internet I don't have to know how it works as I can just use a tool → https://aetherhub.com/Apps/HyperGeometric

I did enter the numbers as follows:

  • Population size 60 (Number of cards in deck)
  • Sample size 7 (Number of cards drawn)
  • Successes in population 24 (Number of lands in deck)
  • Successes in sample 0 (Number of lands drawn)

The calculator says that the probability for not having a land in the starting hand is 2,16 %. To account for four mulligans you have to raise the result, written as 0,0216, to the fourth power, which gets you the rather low probability of around 0,000000218. For this to happen five games in a row you have to raise that result to the fifth power. This gets you the incredibly low probabilty of around 0,000000000000000000000000000000000492. Note that I'm not absolutely sure that my thinking here is correct. Anyways. I feel safe to say that you should have played the lottery with your luck!

Saffron Olive here does a good job at explaining hypergeometric distribution:

Brewer's Minute: Hypergeometric Distribution in Deck Building


Ergänzung: Das Tool für die hypergeometrische Verteilung gibt es auch auf deutsch. Sieht im Grunde genau so aus → https://magic.freizeitspieler.de/wahrscheinlichkeiten.php