Is das angeboren oder so?

1 Antwort

Von Experte LunarEclipse bestätigt

Es gibt Auffälligkeiten bei Genen: Bei zB trans Frauen ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit höher, dass sie eine längere Version eines Rezeptor-Gens für das Sexualhormon Androgen aufweisen

Trans women were more likely than cisgender males to have a longer version of a receptor gene (longer repetitions of the gene) for the sex hormone androgen

Die auch durch Zwillingsstudien bestätigt werden:

The significant percentage of identical twin pairs in which both twins are trans and the virtual absence of dizygotic twins (raised in the same family at the same time) in which both were trans would provide evidence that transgender identity is significantly influenced by genetics if both sets were raised in different families.

Auch bei Gehirnstrukturen gibt es Auffälligkeiten:

Several studies have found a correlation between gender identity and brain structure

Mit vermutlich pränatalen Hormonen als Ursache:

One hypothesis proposes that transgender individuals may have been exposed to atypical levels of sex hormones during later stages of fetal development, leading to brain structures atypical of their sex assigned at birth