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3 Antworten

Ghandi was born on October 2nd 1869 in Porbandar, India (Ort vor Zeit). He was an Indian lawyer, resistance fighter, revolutionary and pacifist.

In May 1883, (---) 13-year old Mohandas was married to 14-year old Kasturba. In 1885, when Gandhi was 15, the couple's first child was born, but survived only a few days.

(Hier fehlt eine Präposition) 1888, less than a month shy of his 19th birthday, Gandhi traveled (= AE; BE = travelled) to London, to study law at University College London. Gandhi served in and lead an Ambulance Corps Unit in both the Boer War 1899-1892 and the Zulu War of 1906.

(Hier fehlt etwas.) Beginning of the 20th century (Komma) Gandhi has worked (Zeit; Wort) in South Africa against segregation. In 1910 he developed (Wort) in India to the political leaders of the independence movement (Word Order). Gandhi urged the human rights of women and he advocated the reconciliation between Hindus and Muslims.

In 1915, Gandhi returned from South Africa to live in India. He built his Harijan Ashram and lived from 1918 to1930 there (Word Order). He called for non-violent resistance. The Indians retreated so back from the public. They understood the way and made him to it. In 1930 (Komma) he called for a saltmarsh and calls for the control of the food abolish.

On August 15, 1947 (Komma) India attained independence. Since the country was divided into two states, the freedom fighter went on a hunger strike. Since (Wiederholung) no one wanted the death of him peace was concluded. Without Gandhi would the peace never had closed. The action broke hatred of him and many people were suddenly against him.

A madman who felt Gandhi guilty shot him on January 30, 1948. Gandhi died.

The world celebrating him as a model and national heroes.

Bin gespannt und danke im Vorraus.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.com,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de.

Die Fakten habe ich nicht überprüft.


Meines Erachtens ist der Text schlüssig und mit einer guten Struktur :)

 03.05.2015, 16:52

okay.. Dankeschön :) 


Wer ist Ghandi?

less than a month shy of his 19th birthday ergibt keinen Sinn.

he developed in India to the political leaders of the independence movement ist auch sinnfrei. Meinst Du became a leading figure in the independence movement?

The Indians retreated so back from the public. They understood the way and made him to it. In 1930 he called for a saltmarsh and calls for the control of the food abolish.  Das klemmt vorne und hinten, und was soll abolish hier heißen?

death of him kann man unmöglich sagen. His death.

peace was concluded. Without Gandhi would the peace never had closed.  Hmm, conclude heißt „einen Schluß ziehen“ und close heißt „zusperren“. Beides paßt überhaupt nicht. Peace can be agreed on, and fighting can cease.

A madman who felt Gandhi guilty Woran soll Gandhī schuld gewesen sein? In jedem Fall paßt guilty nicht gut, responsible wäre besser.

Der letzte Satz hat kein finites Verb.

Woher ich das weiß:eigene Erfahrung – Ich reise gerne und habe viel Zeit in Südasien verbracht.