English Grammatik u. Rechtschreibung

4 Antworten

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Panchito's family came from Mexico to work as migrants in California. Having arrived there, they traveled from place to place to pick crops. There came a day when the best time of the strawberry season was over, so the family had to move to Fresno. When they arrived at Mr. Sullivan, he told them that they can work there thoughout the whole season. Their new home was an old garage. On the following day, Panchito felt sick during work because it was very hot. When the school bus arrived, Panchito and his brother Roberto hid from it. Roberto was sad about that. When the grape season was up, Panchito was able to go to school. He took the school bus for the first time that year. After arriving he went to the office. A woman took him to his new classroom. Mr. Lema, the teacher, allocated a desk to him. Panchito was not good at English, so Mr. Lema helped him and he also taught him how to play the trumpet. But when he got home this day, he saw that the boxes were packed again.

derdorfbengel  14.04.2013, 02:48

"to work as migrants". Hm, was für immer neue Berufsbilder geschaffen werden :)


Panchito´s family members were migrant workers from Mexico. They** travelled** from place to place in California to pick crops. One day the best part of the strawberry season was over. So the family had to move to Fresno. When they arrived at Mr. Sullivan´s House, he told them that they could work here throughout the whole season. Th e new home was an old garage. ** One day later** Panchito felt sick during the work because it was very hot. When the school bus arrived Panchito and his brother Roberto hid. Roberto was** sad** about it. When the grape saeson was over Panchito was able to go to school. He got the school bus** the first** time that year. When he arrived he went to the office. A woman brought him to his new classroom. Mr. Lema, the teacher showed him his ** desk. Panchito didn´t speak English very well**, so Mr. Lema helped him and wanted to teach him how to play a trumpet. When he got home, he saw that the boxes were packed again.

Schreibst du über einen Text? Wenn ja, musst du im Präsens schreiben.

Und in der dritten Zeile "must moved" ist falsch. "must" verwendet man, wenn es sich um eine Art inneres Bedürfnis handelt, wie "ich muss diese Schuhe haben". In dem Fall verwendest du "have to", wie einen äußeren Zwang. -> they have to move.

at Mr. Sullivan's house. Nur at Mr. Sullivan, ist nicht so schön.

Their new home...

das mit dem "hid" versteh ich nicht. Und "was said about it" ist auch komisch. Vll. war traurig darüber? Dann "was sad about it", aber du musst an deine Präsensform denken "is sad about it."

Es gibt schon ein paar Fehler in deinem Text. Pass vor allem auf, dass die Zeiten zusammenpassen.

Hier nur schnell die wichtigsten Fehler:

  • So the family must moved to Fresno. (Findest du den Fehler?)

  • ...., he told them that they can work here throughout the whole season.

  • Roberto was said about it. (??? Meinst du vielleicht "sad"?)

  • grape saeson (Tippfehler)

  • good in English (besser: good at English)

  • to play the trumpet