Englisch Argument gut?

2 Antworten

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Never mary (RS = Rechtschreibung) someone your parents didn't approve of. Do you agree?

Living a life (---) full of love is maybe (Wort) one of the most important things in life. Especially (---) when you find your biggest love, the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. But in many cultures this (Wort, Grammatik) doesn't work like that. For example in India (umstellen), the parents (---) decide who their child will marry. By that the question arises, (Formulierung) if parents should approve (Hier fehlt eine Präposition.) a marriage. 

Firstly, a marriage doesn't just happen. If two people want to (Hier fehlt etwas.) engage, they think about it (Woran denken sie?). That's also the reason that (Wort) some couples break up (---). They realize that love doesn't mean (---) the same for them, e.g. they think differently about love. Just like parents do. (Das ist kein vollständiger Satz.) They come from a different timeline (Wort). Oftenly (Grammatik, Wort) they're 20 to 30 years older than their child which leads to the (---) fact that their mindset is completely different (kein Komma) than their childs (Grammatik). By asking the parents for approve (Wortart), you will not get a correct answer because you're the only one who knows, what's the best for you and who fits you the most (Formulierung). 

Secondly, as time goes on (Ich bevorzuge “by”.) we get older. By that (Formulierung) we have to take responsibility for our choices. In order to do that, we have to choose between things and decide. Marriage is such a choice. If somebody can't decide, wether (RS) he/she (Grammatik) wants to marry its partner or not, (---)  he has to rethink his/her love life, but asking the (Wort) parents (or others; würde ich weglassen) is immature because you do not take responsibility. If (Hier fehlt ein Wort.) can't decide, (---) I'm not ready for marriage. 

To sum up, asking the (siehe oben) parents for approval is wrong. It's only you who can make the right decision, who can decide, what's important for him/her (siehe oben) and what's not and if she/he (siehe oben) is really the right one.  

  • Für meinen Geschmack beginnst du deine Sätze zu oft mit “by”.
  • Ich würde statt child, den Plural children verwenden, dann formuliert es sich besser.
  • Nutze statt she/he, him/her, his/her das genderneutrale Singular they mit den dazugehörigen Pronomen them und their.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert, das Kursivgedruckte überdacht werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.com,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de - und Finger weg vom Google Übelsetzer und seinen tr.tteligen Kollegen!

:-) AstridDerPu


 30.04.2024, 21:56

Vielen Dank für die Verbesserung. Wenn du Sprache und Inhalt zwischen 0 - 15 bewerten müsstest, welche Bewertungen würdest du geben?

(1 für Sprache und 1 für Inhalt)

AstridDerPu  30.04.2024, 22:02

Da ich kein Lehrer bin, vergebe ich grundsätzlich keine Punkte oder Noten.

 30.04.2024, 22:03

Schade, aber der Text ist nicht soo schlecht, oder?

AstridDerPu  30.04.2024, 22:00

Danke für das Sternchen.☺️


Find ich gut und ist auch was wahres dran - wenn du es "profesioneller" schreiben möchtest klingt das hier bissl besser:

Living a life filled with love is one of the most fulfilling experiences. This is especially true when you find your greatest love, the person with whom you want to share the rest of your life. However, in many cultures, personal choice in marriage is limited. Take India, for example, where parents often decide whom their children will marry. This raises the question of whether parents should have a say in their child's marriage.

First, marriage is a significant commitment that requires careful consideration. Couples typically contemplate the decision to marry and may even break up if they realize they have different views on love and relationships. This difference in perspective can also exist between parents and their children. Parents often come from an older generation with distinct values, making their mindset different from their child's. Asking parents for approval in marriage might not yield the best advice, because only you truly know what's best for you and who aligns with your values.

Second, as we grow older, we must take responsibility for our choices. Marriage is a personal decision that reflects our values and desires for the future. If someone cannot decide whether to marry their partner, it indicates they need to reevaluate their priorities and relationships. Turning to parents or others for approval can suggest a lack of maturity and independence. Ultimately, if you're unable to make the decision yourself, it might be a sign that you're not ready for marriage.

In summary, seeking parental approval for marriage can be misguided. The responsibility for choosing a life partner rests solely with you, as you are the one who understands your needs and desires. Only you can determine whether someone is the right match for you, and only you can decide when the time is right for such a commitment.

 29.04.2024, 20:51

Danke dir sehr