Dear diary! Englisch Hilfe?

2 Antworten

Dear diary.

Something strange happened today. 
There was a note in my locker. 
I am so afraid. They are insulting and threatening me.
Who could have written that letter?
Who could have done it?
What have I done? 
That's why I do not want to have friends at THIS school. 
Again and again the same!
People can be so mean. So nasty. 
I can not handle this.
I do not know what to do...
Should I tell my parents or the teachers? 
or maybe mia? 
I am thinking too much.
No! I will keep it to myself.
it does not interest anybody anyway.
Who could help me???
I will just wait. 
Maybe they were mistaken

Maybe they didn't really mean what they wrote..

Love Miriam

Also ich finde es nicht schlecht aber solltest du nicht über einen Tag schreiben,wie heute habe ich das erlebt..Über einen Tag  z.b.sp Heute war ich Velofahren mit meiner Mom und haben gepicknickt. i Translate kannst du alle sprachen übersetzten lade es dir runter und du kannst super englisch schreiben.

Hoffentlich konnte ich helfen.