Englisch Arbeit Text über Globale Erwärmung?


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ich schreibe morgen eine englisch Arbeit, und muss wahrscheinlich auch ein Text über globale Erwärmung schreiben

wie ist dieser Text?

Was würdet ihr ändern? Ist er in Ordnung?

,,Global warming is the average temperature increasing all over the world over an extended period of time. But it doesn't mean it's happening equally all over the world.

The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and animal husbandry are increasingly affecting the Earth's climate and temperature.

The amount of naturally occurring greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases enormously, which intensifies the greenhouse effect and global warming.

You can also do something about global warming if you use bicycles and public transport instead of driving your own car or if you can choose to use electric cars because they have a better climate footprint.

You can also pay attention to which country your fruit and vegetables come from next time you go to the supermarket. It is best to try to buy fruit or vegetables that are locally sourced, as this way you can reduce the distance that the food needs to get to you.

Polar bears are also dying due to global warming as they have less and less habitat because the ice is melting.

Glaciers have been melting for more than 20 years. In addition, sea levels are rising, resulting in flooding.

In countries where it is very hot, forest fires occur, such as in Turkey.

Because of climate change, around 40% of all insects may become extinct.“

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