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,,I have been living in the US since Monday because I wanted to start a new life. I had really wanted to go to the US before I really arrived here. It‘s very fantastic here and the people are very friendly although I‘ve only been here for one week. When I arrived at the airport in Boston on the first day, I thought that I could never live in such a crowded and large nation. But then I met a woman and she cared for me. She has become my friend. She showed me the airport and different cities. At first, we went to California where I explored different cities, such as Los Angeles and San Francisco. I went to Disneyland there and it was so much fun. I also saw the Golden Gate Bridge with its fantastic view. I even saw real Native Americans on their reservations! They looked very friendly at me but I am also sorry for them that they have to live outside. I am very happy that I‘ve immigrated to the US. After exploring California, I went to New York where I have been living now since Wednesday. It‘s so cool here because when I came to New York, it was already late in the evening and because of the darkness, I went to Times Square since it is known for its bright lights. I went to a restaurant there where I ate the popular pizza slices and they tasted very delicious. After I had eaten, I was exploring Times Square while it was pretty dark and because of the bright lights of the advertisements, it was so gorgeous and I felt like it would be my home town so that I‘ve decided to stay here in New York forever. I live in an apartment in New York with my new friends as long as I don‘t have enough money to buy my own house. I work in the Empire State Building where I work as an official and I really like living here!“

Ask Me Anything: Blickwechsel

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Könnte jemand mal über meinen Text vor allem wegen der Informationen und der Grammatik drüber schauen? Danke, wäre sehr lieb!

,,Lakota is a Native American tribe and they lived in America at first. Now they live in South and North Dakota. Lakota people are nomadic hunters and gatherers and they kill buffaloes to stay alive. The food is poor, so they need to kill buffaloes. They are strongly connected with the nature. They are a part of larger Sioux Nation which consists of Lakota, Dakota and Nakota. They wear headdresses with feathers and they have been a part of North American history for over 500 years. They have their own language and traditions such as Sun Dance. Sun Dance is a tradition that includes fasting, praying, and dancing to honor the sun. Another famous tradition is Vision Quest where people go on a journey in nature to seek personal revelation and spiritual growth. But they also have a strong tradition of storytelling, telling legends, and teaching from one generation to the next. Lakota is also very known for its history because in the 19th century, an argument between European settlers, the U.S. government and their tribe broke out and their tribe fought against them. Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse were the chiefs of their tribe and they protected them. They also fought against the U.S. government because they wanted to keep their land. They also did it but more arguments broke out after they had done it for the first time, so, after all, they lost their land nevertheless. Today they live on reservations.“


wäre echt sehr hilfreich, danke! Wenn ihr noch irgendwelche Informationen zu ergänzen habt, dann gerne her damit! :)

Ask Me Anything: Themenspecials

Im gutefrage Themenspecial beantworten Verbände, Organisationen und Personen des öffentlichen Lebens Deine Fragen zu aktuellen Themen.