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,,My parents come from Kazakhstan and my mother came to Germany when she was 12 years old. My father came to Germany when he was 15 years old. They were forced to leave their home country by their parents because they wanted to start a new life and they were only teenagers, so they weren‘t allowed to decide whether they would stay in Kazakhstan or go to Germany. I was born in Germany and I can‘t speak Russian. I really like Germany because of the people but if I had to leave Germany, I would definitely go to Spain since it is a very interesting, warm and gorgeous country. I can‘t stand cold days, so it would be a perfect country for me. There are several beaches and unique sights such as the castle in Madrid. But nevertheless, a war or bad government would have to happen so that I would leave Germany because then it would be really bad to live in Germany as you wouldn‘t be treated well. But if I really had enough money, I would try to immigrate to Spain. I would hope that the people would be friendly to me and understand that I wouldn‘t be able to speak their language at first but I even think that I wouldn‘t be able to speak Spanish fluently even if I learned it for several years because it is a difficult language. I would also hope that the life would be great there and I would make new friends. I think I would also have a lot of problems for example missing my family and my friends and I would have problems with speaking their language. I would be afraid of talking to them since perhaps they would make fun of me or would talk to me in an unfriendly way. It would be a complete change for me and I would have to get used to new habits for example going to another school. On the other hand, it would be great to experience new adventures and explore new locations. You could go to a beach every day! So, on the one hand, I would really like to go to Spain but on the other hand, I would be really afraid of leaving my home country because of the problems that could "destroy“ my life. I am not sure whether I stay here in Germany or go to an other country.“

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Könnte jemand eventuell bitte über meinen Text über Deutschland drüber schauen? Danke!

,,Germany is the most populated country in Europe. The population is about 84 million and it is in Central Europe. The capital of Germany is Berlin. Germany is a popular and interesting country because of its history. The second world war was begun by Germany by fighting with Poland. Adolf Hitler was like a president and he thought that Germany would be the best country ever. He killed a lot of people who lived in Germany but actually were from an other country. But suddenly on 30th of April 1945, he killed himself in Berlin. On 9th of May the war was finished and Europe was called "the United States of Europe". That is the reason why Europe has become peaceful. In 1961 a wall which was called Berlin wall was built to separate East and West Germany because the East Germans weren‘t allowed to flee into West Germany. But in 1990, the wall was destroyed and Germany has become a united nation since then. As you can see, the history of Germany was very interesting. German is also known for its special "meals“ such as beer, "Bretzel“, sauerkraut, and ,,Currywurst“ which is a special type of a sausage. Germany has the advantage that people come to Germany from all over the world and they are treated well. Most people come from Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan and Poland. There are a lot of sights in Germany since Germany consists of 16 federal states. German corner is in Koblenz and there‘s a statue of William, the first German emperor, and it is very gorgeous there. You can explore the natural location there and just relax. Another famous sight is the Cologne cathedral which is a gorgeous catholic church. In my opinion some people could be much friendlier as they sometimes stare at you or talk to you in an unfriendly way. But of course there are also very kind people."