What is the best method to learn German vewwy fast?

4 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Im a bit late but maybe i can still help someone.

You can search for a german friend and talk/chat with them.

Yall can also play some games or do quizzes.

Try Reading bocks or watch your Favorite movies/videos in german.

And never overdo it.

Learn the easy things until you feel ready to go further into it.

It takes time to learn and mistakes are a part of it, always keep that in your mind.

Good luck;)

Woher ich das weiß:eigene Erfahrung

The best way to learn things is through doing them.
Just talk to natives in germany and you will strenghten your language skills.

Good luck!

 23.01.2023, 03:52

Ohwww Thanks for Helping :3

Suche dir deutsche Freunde, die gutes Deutsch sprechen. Also ich empfehle Duolingo, damit du an deine Deutschkentnisse verbessern kannst. Dort gibt es auch Übungen mit Wortschatz und Rechtschreibung.

Ich hatte auch dieselbe Erfahrungen so wie in deinem Fall. Ich komme aus den Philippinen und jetzt spreche ich etwas fließend Deutsch, oder ich kann dir damit helfen.

Woher ich das weiß:Studium / Ausbildung – Ich habe ein Englisch-Niveau von C2.

 23.01.2023, 03:51

Ahh ok thanks for your suggestions.... It would've been great if you would help.. Since I'm new in the German language.. Also I will try out Duolingo.. Btw I must translate some words into english cuz I don't understand much of the text, but I try hard to understand everything 😅

ethan227  23.01.2023, 03:52

I would like to though. You can just use Google Translate for it. Therefore you can get the English translation of the entire text.

 23.01.2023, 03:55

Btw ye I did that before and I would try to find some German friends here.. Thanks for Helping :3

Suche dir deutsche Freunde, die gutes Deutsch sprechen.
Die sind heute nicht sehr oft zu finden.

 23.01.2023, 03:43

As I understand I should find German friends right?

00004  23.01.2023, 03:47

No, you can learn 2000 words per day. This is the best method to learn another language, friends are not going to support you, it will take years.

lumbricussi  23.01.2023, 12:56

Yes. I learned English and Italian with language books, but Hungarian with the people in Hungary. It just sits a lot better than the other languages. Learning by doing. :-) I helped the neighbor to collect the Colorado potato beetles, to shred the corn (with my hands). I was only on vacation in Hungary, but that was enough time to make friends. Of course, I also learned from the book every day. I was able to remember difficult words in this way: I went to the old neighbor and asked her, for example: Do you often have power outages? "áramszünet", power failure. I immediately had that stored in long-term memory; because she told me a long story involving a power outage. Or the words "earthquake", or "flood". At the latter word I got the whole story right away when the Tisza (a big river) destroyed a big part of Szeged.

And then the adventure of learning "printed matter sales", "nyomtatvanyarúsítás". I will never forget that because the clerk was so angry with me. Or "adóbevalllás", tax return. These are beasts of words!

And it wasn't just on vacation that I continued to learn. My Hungarian friends insisted that we must write to each other. At that time I didn't know any computer translation programs.

What also helped me a lot were songs. I learned Hungarian folk songs from the neighbors. They were 1. beautiful, 2. had interesting words in them, and 3. you could also dance to them. Something like that sticks in your mind, of course.

You could also read old German fairy tales. They are demanding, but very graphic and teach you a really nice German. Poems too. Don't study the grammar at length, just look up the meaning in the dictionary and memorize the poem.

Roughly the way you can learn to swim, just by moving, twisting and turning in the water, playfully.

So, I ran that through google translator. I'm not that good at English, it would definitely take me more than 1 hour.

Much luck! :-) Smart friends will surely help you with your studies too.

lumbricussi  23.01.2023, 12:59

Das mag sein. Kommt auch darauf an, was für Freunde das sind. Und ob man selber die Gesprächsthemen sucht.

00004  24.01.2023, 08:47

That's right. Friends can only support you by telling you the meaning of the word, just like a translator. That's why I'm a loner, because I'm doing what's best for me, you have to do it for yourself, no one else will do it for you, and you have to realize it to do something about it