Was bedeutet THR/RED/ACC beim A320?

1 Antwort

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

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THR RED (thrust reduction altitude)

This is the altitude at which the pilot should reduce thrust from TOGA/FLX to MAX CLIMB (CL detent) with all engines operative.
— Default thrust reduction is 1500 feet above the runway elevation.
— The pilot can modify this altitude: the minimum is 400 feet above the runway elevation.

ACC (Acceleration altitude)
This is the altitude at which the climb phase is triggered.
— The target speed jumps to the initial climb speed.
— The default value is 1500 feet above runway elevation.
— The flight crew can modify the value. The minimum value is 400
feet above runway elevation, though it is always higher than or equal to
thrust reduction altitude.

 10.02.2017, 15:35

Perfekt danke ;) Mega nett schönes Wochenende