Text mit Stichpunkten zusammenfassen(Englisch)?

1 Antwort

The text describes the sharecropping system that evolved in the southern states of the US after the Civil War. In particular, it describes the role of merchants in this system.

-in the southern US states after the Civil War, masses of black people were sharecroppers, meaning they were farm laborers who worked on the plantations of white landowners

-the landowner provided a piece of land to be worked by the sharecropper or tenant farmer

- the landowner or nearby merchant provided equipment to the sharecropper, and offered seed, fertilizer, food, and other supplies on credit ("chattle mortgage"); this means the sharecropper had to incur debt to be able to work the land and to meet his own/his family's needs

-when the price of cotton fell, many landowners gave up their plantations and the merchants took over

-this development shifted socio-economic and legal power to the merchants, allowing them to exploit the sharecroppers

-the sharecropper did not have any control of the crop he raised; he had to pay the merchant a share of the crop at the end of the season to pay off his debt, and in most cases, there was often little or nothing left for the sharecropper

-through this system, unscrupulous merchants enriched themselves while keeping tenant farm families severely indebted and impoverished

-just to survive, sharecroppers sometimes resorted to illegal actions (stealing crop, running away)

-even though black sharecroppers were formally "free" people, they remained trapped in a never-ending cycle of debt and poverty; they were essentially serfs to the merchants